Yalby - Showcase

Looks Yalby - Showcase

  • Hopefully finalized the internal dependencies between this, Yalby.look and Yalby.showcase.
  • Now updates to Yalby.look should propogate properly from the look to the showcase, allowing me to make appearance updates in only one place.
I hope the flurry of updates is not too much of a problem for anyone. I am more used development in a more integrated environment, and navigating the nuances of how and which assets are coupled in VaM, in the custom directory vs. vars, etc... has been a learning experience for me. Thanks for your patience.
This is a hostile work environment! Either that or my workflow sucks. I'll get the hang of this development thing eventually, I guess...
Made some adjustments to a few of the eye morphs.

Been so focused on publishing this thing that it gave me a break from overfocusing on specific features to the point where you can't tell what your looking at anymore. Taking a fresh look, I realized her eyes were a bit too small, and the irises slightly larger and touch closer together.

While I'm not aiming for a 1:1 from source, all known characters have certain distinguishing features that make them 'just so'. Specifically, small variations in eye shape tend to have an outsized impact.
I fucked up the thumbnail on the last update, now all is as it should be. Accidentally creating new bugs is like a line of dominoes I tell ya!
Fixed the timing of a trigger that sets the Heel Adjust plugin. No more warped feet.

Funny how fixing one thing can break another in a completely non-obvious or initially noticeable way. Sorry for the series of asset updates, it should hopefully slow down as I tie up all the loose ends I keep coming discovering. I'm looking forward to new features, scenes, assets, etc... once I feel this showcase is in a state I'm happy with.
So I lied! There was one dependency that was accidentally being pulled it; The @bill_prime's normalized version of @klphgz poses did not need to be in the scene. An unused trigger was still referencing it. Anyhow, this has reduced the total dependency count by two.
I made the simplified Yalby look completely independent of this resource. This showcase resource is now dependent on the new 'look' resource as a primary dependency. This should remove any dependency redundancies.

The new, separated look can be found here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/yalby-look.51316/
Made a small fix that I missed!
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