This is a Web Media Player / YouTube Player but could be used with other websites.
The Web Media Browser includes integration with 68 Preset Buttons in an expandable Left Panel, Right Panel, and collapsible design. This Web Media Player is designed in a way where you can load videos in the background behind your YouTube videos.
I have been testing out hundreds of different video backgrounds with it to see what I think works best and shared some of the best ones here that you can download. They are Royalty-Free so you can also use them in your commercial project if you find a creative use for them. I recommend going and downloading some or all of them before launching the scene:
I organize the videos in my VAM folder as follows:
I find that Graphics work best for dance type videos and Landscapes work best for music videos or slower more relaxing videos.
Save As A New Scene
As you make changes, be sure to save your progress as a new scene. That will be the version you open in the future as this is a starter template.
Full Screen: Click Play then Double Right Click or f
Search Bar: Exit full screen mode by Double Right Clicking or f, search bar is at top
Pause: Click on Video or Space Bar or k
Increase/Decrease Volume: Up Arrow, Down Arrow
Mute: m
Rewind: While Playing Left Arrow
Fast Forward: While Playing Right Arrow
Seek backward 10 seconds in player: j
Seek forward 10 seconds in player: l
Reset playback to start of video: Home button or 0
Seek to the 10% to 90% of the video: Numbers 1 to 9
Opening the Scene file will start on the Audio Player that comes with two built in playlist tracks for Sexy Music 1 and Sexy Music 2. This also gives you the option to mute the YouTube videos and just watch them with the music from the playlists. You can click the AV Spectrum Off button if you plan to do this.
Clicking the Expand Left Panel button will display 34 preset buttons in Category 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. At the top you can store up to 5 websites with Google and YouTube already preloaded.
Clicking the Expand Right Panel button will display 34 preset buttons in Category 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Clicking on the Web Browser button will align it in the player based on which Panel you have open.
After you click and load one of your presets, you can then click in the center of the Expand Controller to Collapse the view.
Click on Select and Search Category-1 and you will see all the buttons are numbered. Click on Category-1/1
All the buttons are already pre-mapped and started for you. Click on the Button Trigger tab. On the URL trigger click Settings.
There is an option where if you type in a YouTube URL path after the word embed as follows:
it will load the video full screen on the play button.
However YouTube has blocked most good videos from having this feature in the Unity Web Browser we are using. I have tried hundreds of videos and most are blocked from embed, however I found a great workaround.
If you click Play on the video and then after it starts, you double right click, it goes to full screen.
So no need to worry about finding videos that allow you to use a special embed URL. It will be a lot of copy/pasting and clicking on things that won't play that way. Also YouTube shorts appear to auto embed in the player and also loop. This makes them a great option with VAM.
Copy/Paste the full URL of the YouTube link and click ok. It could be a video, short, playlist, channel you prefer, etc.
You can then click on Button 1 under Category 1 to test it out. When the video loads, click play and then after it starts, double right click on it to view it full screen.
If you want to change the label on the button, click on the Button tab.
Searching "textcategory" will show a list of all the category titles you can update.
Click the Text tab and you can change the Category title.
Click on Select (arrow button on main menu) / Search VideoScreen / click Plugins tab / click Open Custom UI
Scroll down on the right until you see a section for "Video Play". Click the "Browse Choose Video File" button and browse to your Video folder in VAM. The path I mentioned above that I use are:
Open that folder and select the first video and then click close.
From there click the Expand Right arrow and check the box for Video to turn on the Video Player.
Minimize All
Clicking Expand Down on the Controller pops the controller off to display the Video Controller and collapses all the buttons to have a clear view of a video.
Maximize All
Clicking up on it raises all the buttons to full screen mode. Unchecking the Video box will return you back to tablet mode.
Sexy Music 1 and 2 are used in the Audio Player and are Incompetech Music which is Royalty-Free:
The songs can be used for commercial use as long as you credit the artist as follows:
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
A very special thanks to all the content creators that helped create plugins and resources used in this! Thank you!
The background Video Screen uses the awesome plugin from @PluginIdea called SlideControl:
The Audio Player uses the awesome plugins from @everlaster called SoundFromAssetbundle, Audio Scrubber and Trigger the Trigger:
The AVSpectrum uses the awesome plugin by @Sally Whitemane called SallySoundFX:
AcidBubbles.Timeline.287 By: AcidBubbles License: CC BY-SA Link:
everlaster.AudioScrubber.1 By: everlaster License: CC BY-SA Link:
everlaster.SoundFromAssetBundle.1 By: everlaster License: CC BY-SA
everlaster.TriggerTheTrigger.1 By: everlaster License: CC BY-SA Link:
hazmhox.vamatmosphere.5 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
PluginIdea.SlideControl.19 By: PluginIdea License: CC BY-ND Link:
Sally.SallySoundFX.7 By: Sally License: CC BY-SA Link:
VamEssentials.Sexy_Music_1.latest By: VamEssentials License: CC BY Link:
VamEssentials.Sexy_Music_2.latest By: VamEssentials License: CC BY Link:
The Web Media Browser includes integration with 68 Preset Buttons in an expandable Left Panel, Right Panel, and collapsible design. This Web Media Player is designed in a way where you can load videos in the background behind your YouTube videos.
I have been testing out hundreds of different video backgrounds with it to see what I think works best and shared some of the best ones here that you can download. They are Royalty-Free so you can also use them in your commercial project if you find a creative use for them. I recommend going and downloading some or all of them before launching the scene:
Assets - Royalty Free HD Videos
Royalty-Free HD Video Graphics and Landscapes for use in creative projects. I used these in the testing of my Web Media Player / YouTube Player as background video animations for the player...
I organize the videos in my VAM folder as follows:
I find that Graphics work best for dance type videos and Landscapes work best for music videos or slower more relaxing videos.
Save As A New Scene
As you make changes, be sure to save your progress as a new scene. That will be the version you open in the future as this is a starter template.
Full Screen: Click Play then Double Right Click or f
Search Bar: Exit full screen mode by Double Right Clicking or f, search bar is at top
Pause: Click on Video or Space Bar or k
Increase/Decrease Volume: Up Arrow, Down Arrow
Mute: m
Rewind: While Playing Left Arrow
Fast Forward: While Playing Right Arrow
Seek backward 10 seconds in player: j
Seek forward 10 seconds in player: l
Reset playback to start of video: Home button or 0
Seek to the 10% to 90% of the video: Numbers 1 to 9
Opening the Scene file will start on the Audio Player that comes with two built in playlist tracks for Sexy Music 1 and Sexy Music 2. This also gives you the option to mute the YouTube videos and just watch them with the music from the playlists. You can click the AV Spectrum Off button if you plan to do this.
Clicking the Expand Left Panel button will display 34 preset buttons in Category 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. At the top you can store up to 5 websites with Google and YouTube already preloaded.
Clicking the Expand Right Panel button will display 34 preset buttons in Category 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10.
Clicking on the Web Browser button will align it in the player based on which Panel you have open.
After you click and load one of your presets, you can then click in the center of the Expand Controller to Collapse the view.
Click on Select and Search Category-1 and you will see all the buttons are numbered. Click on Category-1/1
All the buttons are already pre-mapped and started for you. Click on the Button Trigger tab. On the URL trigger click Settings.
There is an option where if you type in a YouTube URL path after the word embed as follows:
it will load the video full screen on the play button.
However YouTube has blocked most good videos from having this feature in the Unity Web Browser we are using. I have tried hundreds of videos and most are blocked from embed, however I found a great workaround.
If you click Play on the video and then after it starts, you double right click, it goes to full screen.
So no need to worry about finding videos that allow you to use a special embed URL. It will be a lot of copy/pasting and clicking on things that won't play that way. Also YouTube shorts appear to auto embed in the player and also loop. This makes them a great option with VAM.
Copy/Paste the full URL of the YouTube link and click ok. It could be a video, short, playlist, channel you prefer, etc.
You can then click on Button 1 under Category 1 to test it out. When the video loads, click play and then after it starts, double right click on it to view it full screen.
If you want to change the label on the button, click on the Button tab.
Searching "textcategory" will show a list of all the category titles you can update.
Click the Text tab and you can change the Category title.
Click on Select (arrow button on main menu) / Search VideoScreen / click Plugins tab / click Open Custom UI
Scroll down on the right until you see a section for "Video Play". Click the "Browse Choose Video File" button and browse to your Video folder in VAM. The path I mentioned above that I use are:
Open that folder and select the first video and then click close.
From there click the Expand Right arrow and check the box for Video to turn on the Video Player.
Minimize All
Clicking Expand Down on the Controller pops the controller off to display the Video Controller and collapses all the buttons to have a clear view of a video.
Maximize All
Clicking up on it raises all the buttons to full screen mode. Unchecking the Video box will return you back to tablet mode.
Sexy Music 1 and 2 are used in the Audio Player and are Incompetech Music which is Royalty-Free:
Other - Sexy Music 1 assetbundle
A mixed compilation of different Incompetech Royalty-Free Music tracks (.mp3) from different genre's that may work well with multiple VAM scenes. Converted to a Unity assetbundle, then converted to a VAR. This asssetbundle has the songs that...
Other - Sexy Music 2 assetbundle
A mixed compilation of different Incompetech Royalty-Free Music tracks (.mp3) from different genre's that may work well with multiple VAM scenes. Converted to a Unity assetbundle, then converted to a VAR. This asssetbundle has the songs that...
The songs can be used for commercial use as long as you credit the artist as follows:
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License
A very special thanks to all the content creators that helped create plugins and resources used in this! Thank you!
The background Video Screen uses the awesome plugin from @PluginIdea called SlideControl:
Plugins - SlideControl Media Player - A Big Screen Player
Functions Scan all the pictures in the selected folder and play them. Automatic aspect ratio identification, or custom aspect ratio. Customize the shape of the big screen (rectangle or circular). Image cropping. Multi-camera camera...
The Audio Player uses the awesome plugins from @everlaster called SoundFromAssetbundle, Audio Scrubber and Trigger the Trigger:
Plugins - SoundFromAssetBundle
Additions to the SoundFromAB LogicBrick from MacGruber.LogicBricks.14.var: AutoPlay popup (can be triggered as well) Off: default, playback stops when clip ends Next: next clip from the assetbundle folder plays when the clip ends Shuffle: a...
Plugins - Audio Scrubber
AudioScrubber AudioScrubber is added to an atom that has an AudioSource: any of Person, AudioSource, AptSpeaker_Import or RhythmSource. The plugin detects the current clip being played on that audio source. Selecting a UISlider from the scene...
Plugins - Trigger The Trigger
Trigger The Trigger This simple plugin is intended as an alternative to the Relay and Delay LogicBricks. Instead of having to add one of those on each button whose list of triggers you want to be able to execute via trigger, you can add this one...
The AVSpectrum uses the awesome plugin by @Sally Whitemane called SallySoundFX:
Plugins - SallySoundFX
SallySoundFX is designed to automate visualizations based on audio currently playing in VAM. It can listen to a frequency and flash a spotlight with every beat for example. It can be linked to anything that accepts 'value Actions' from 0.0 to...
AcidBubbles.Timeline.287 By: AcidBubbles License: CC BY-SA Link:
everlaster.AudioScrubber.1 By: everlaster License: CC BY-SA Link:
everlaster.SoundFromAssetBundle.1 By: everlaster License: CC BY-SA
everlaster.TriggerTheTrigger.1 By: everlaster License: CC BY-SA Link:
hazmhox.vamatmosphere.5 By: hazmhox License: CC BY-SA
PluginIdea.SlideControl.19 By: PluginIdea License: CC BY-ND Link:
Sally.SallySoundFX.7 By: Sally License: CC BY-SA Link:
VamEssentials.Sexy_Music_1.latest By: VamEssentials License: CC BY Link:
VamEssentials.Sexy_Music_2.latest By: VamEssentials License: CC BY Link: