VAM Plugin: VR Laser Pointer Colors (Free)

VAM Plugin: VR Laser Pointer Colors

as per user request: a small cosmetic plugin that let's you change the color of the hand spheres and laser pointers in VR.

It works with both, the Kinetic Spehere and the Physical Sphere (see VR settings). 

If you're using the Male Hands or SteamVR Gloves hand models, then the colors of those will not be changed, but the laser pointer color can still be changed.

The transparency of the spheres, as well as the laser pointers can be changed to make them more or less opaque.

There is also a setting to add light emission (a glow) to the spheres, so that you can make them even brighter and easier visible.

This plugin is free for all, the download is attached below.

If you're new to my plugins, please check out the Introduction and the Installation Instructions.

Default green colors that come with the plugin:

Example of how the colors can be customized:

Settings Script:

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VAM Plugins

creating plugins for VAM

VAM Plugins

creating plugins for VAM