Voxta (Virt-A-Mate Plugin)

Plugins With Paid Service Voxta (Virt-A-Mate Plugin)

Requires a one time or recurring payment to operate.
- Fixes API key crashing when trying to set it ("Error saving local settings: Could not find a part of the path")
Requires Voxta Server v1.0.0-beta.131

- Narrator support
- Host and API keys are now saved in a scene-independent settings file
- Specify a API key for password-protected accounts
- Move buttons for easier access
- Fixed actions list text box (fixes flickering)
- Avoid crashing when using the ChatPaused feature
- Fix character stuck in thinking when cannot speak is enabled
- Update Flags storable on start chat
- Fix Flags only showing commas instead of the actual flags
- Check for the server API version and warn with a clear message if it's not supported
- Support a 3rd character
- Set the user text storable even when not using STT
- Keybindings: Activate, Deactivate, CreateNewChat, RevertLastSentMessage and OpenUI
- Auto-update the package path field when the scenario package changes
The plugin can now be referenced by free and paid scenes (CC BY-ND), you'll also find helpful buttons in the plugin to access Discord, Patreon and our help site.
In an effort to make Virt-A-Mate AI-powered scenes easier to publish and use, we have made several changes that I think will make everyone's life easier.

1. Voxta Server v1.0.0-beta.122 and more recent provide a new "Package" system as well as a "Scenario" system that allows Virt-A-Mate scenes to come with everything needed for a custom, scene-specific experience; that includes the character, triggers, etc.
2. Voxta Virt-A-Mate Plugin is now free on the Virt-A-Mate Hub, making is simpler to download, update and reference the plugin.

We will work on improving the experience and better documenting the process in the following days. Thanks everyone for your amazing support!
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