The main asset of this resource is an artistic rendition of the interior of the Viper Mark 1 space fighter. The main screen for the cockpit has four configurations that can be easily triggered to switch using the assetname function. I have some good news, and I have some bad news. The good news is that this Viper has an advanced avionics package to better detect Cylons. The bad news is that this avionics package takes up more space, so the leg room on this baby is tight.
A special thanks to teammate @mspeck01 for the work on sound support for this resource. A demo scene in included with music as well as a simulated flight with a wingman and laser cannon effects. The laser blaster sequence is triggered by a red button on the right side of the cockpit near the joystick.

A special thanks to teammate @mspeck01 for the work on sound support for this resource. A demo scene in included with music as well as a simulated flight with a wingman and laser cannon effects. The laser blaster sequence is triggered by a red button on the right side of the cockpit near the joystick.

"Viper MK1" ( by mrpetercharman is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (