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vamX Library Environment port

Assets vamX Library Environment port 2

Hi-Res Video:

Version 2 released with improved collision.

This is the first in a series of environment ports "Time to Travel".

These environments are larger than most Virt-a-Mate environments, giving you room to move around and explore.

This is a free ( CC BY ) environment for everyone, and can be used without vamX for you to set up poses manually anywhere, and build your own scenes using Virt-a-Mate.

You can also open Library with vamX.json to open the library scene as a vamX scene. vamX will eventually be expanded to use more of the environment, but for now you have a single location where you can use all of vamX, including animations, dancing, speech, stories, looks, music, loading and detaching clothes, etc. Requires vamX 1.4 or higher for full functionality.

Includes many lighting variations, including night time variations. The "no light" versions require you to set up your own lighting in VaM. You can also load the versions with built-in lights. These lights do shine on VaM objects.

In version 2 I've improved collision. The table and chairs now have good collision boxes (and the staircase always did). I haven't made colliders for the table lamps or books to improve performance.

First release
Last update
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