Attention on the bridge! Ensign to the ready room!
This asset includes a futuristic conference room with a large open window and a conference table. The chairs and computer monitors have been spilt into separate assets in order to enable you to tailor the room for your scenes. The room has baked in lighting that provides a natural brilliance and texture clarity for the ready room. However, more lighting may need to be added in order to properly light person atoms and other assets added to the room.
A simple, fast loading demo scene is included for a quick tour.

This asset includes a futuristic conference room with a large open window and a conference table. The chairs and computer monitors have been spilt into separate assets in order to enable you to tailor the room for your scenes. The room has baked in lighting that provides a natural brilliance and texture clarity for the ready room. However, more lighting may need to be added in order to properly light person atoms and other assets added to the room.
A simple, fast loading demo scene is included for a quick tour.