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The Golden Ticket (British Babe): Professionally Voiced with 150+ audio files!

Scenes The Golden Ticket (British Babe): Professionally Voiced with 150+ audio files!

dozens of animation tweaks, new default environment (see sticky thread on patreon for download link)
several improvements including "shut up and fuck me now" button, dynamic cum animations, etc
updates to the hair and clothing preset scripting
new animations / animation pose tweaks
long-awaited skip intro button
addonpackages moved to seperate download to cut down on filesize for return users
jiggle physics
and more! I honestly can't remember it all.
over a dozen new voice audio files!
different sex sounds fx for hj and sex now
even better physics explosion teleport prevention system
some position improvements - im on a QUEST to greatly reduce physics explosion that have you clicking multiple times to get shit to work.
new icons for classic positions
slight animation improvements
new EXPERIMENTAL universal cum button that intelligently tracks what position youre in and adds cum to her body in the appropriate place (missing some addonpackages - so search for them yourself until I officially support it, facial still works out of the box)
massive changes
one bug i noticed - sometimes you have to click her load button and if she doesnt teleport you have to click it again.
warning: some positions still wip and clip through the bed/undress swapper isnt ready yet
ram improvements: now lazy-loads ALL audio
improved ui
sweeping quality of life changes for base and Extended Cut:
new environments for fun - including a certain overweight kingpin's palace!
undress buttons - you can customize this with your own overrides.
numerous position fixes
several minor bugfixes related to scene loading incorreclty sometimes
eyes now close automatically for extended duration during sex acts like blowjob and fucking
auto blowjob morphs on BJ
new positions!
lipsync amount now adjusted for each character via a multiplier
fixed bug with handjob morphs
animation tweaks, new positions, new speed controls
lots of both, still some bugs, working towards 1.0. primitive multiverse functionality.
Over a minute of new audio!
New positions
Overhauled Intro
Multiverse functionality with other scenes
gt 0.21 changelog:

2 new positions!
new hair
slight lighting improvements
slight improvements to the man's appearance/clipping
updated to latest vh34 player
additional randomized voice lines
start intro automatically on start
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