
正在创作 Contents For Game Plugins,Tutorials And Interesting App

  • 523 members
  • 190 posts
  • $963.1/month

At present, I mainly share my plug-ins related to VAM(virt-a-mate) here.I have contributed many Heavy plug-in in the community, such as ContexmenuSystem, High Performance Volume Light and so on.

About Paid Content(Very important. To prevent you from paying by mistake,Be sure to have a look) :

The paid content is mainly divided into two parts: the normal unlocking part and the part activated by the code.

Level "VIP Patreon(5$)" : Except for paid content that requires an activation code to unlock. Such as the paid version of "One key Export".

Level "Pro VIP Patreon(10$)" : All paid content can be obtained except the "enviromental tookit package".Currently includes three plug-ins:Dynamic projector, SlideControl.

Level "Pro VIP Patreon+(15$)", "Super Patreon VIP(25$)" : You can get and unlock all my paid content.

This is a list of all plug-ins and scenarios I have published so far. :

Resources by PluginIdea | Virt-A-Mate Hub (

About "Universal Creator Package(10$)" :(Unlock DynamicProjector4, SlideControl, AtmosphereEnhancement)

(Important) Activate page: Get the activation code of "Universal Creator Package"

About "Enviromental Tookit(15$)" :(Unlock InteractiveWaterPro, High performance mirror reflection, Real Fluid)

(Important) Activate page: Get the activation code of "Enviromental Tookit"

If you activate the creator edition here(You need at least Pro VIP Patreon). You will unlock all my plugins supported by this(includes all subsequent updates)!

If you don't support this approach or have concerns, you can also wait for some time. When the plug-in is finally completed(But with different plug-ins, the development cycle will be different), it will become free.

(Universal Creator Package)Currently supported plug-ins are:




(Enviromental Tookit)Currently supported plug-ins are:

Real Fluid


High performance mirror reflection

Why need your support?

1.First and foremost. By supporting me, you can get high-quality paid content only available in patreon and get better support.

2.I am also one of the few creators in the community who can continuously introduce new ideas and new technologies to VAM.Like volume light, projectors,real fluid,interactive water pro and so on.The introduction of these technologies is quite difficult, and it took me a lot of energy.

3.Your support can further enhance my enthusiasm for work.This will further improve my development progress.

At present, I have developed more than 20 plug-ins (free and paid). And it is constantly expanding. If you have any thoughts, you are welcome to leave a message.

I'm come from East Asia, due to time zone differences, the reply may not be timely. But as soon as I see the message, I will reply as soon as possible. I can guarantee high-quality output at least once a week. Of course, most of the time, my output frequency is much higher than that. As the number of people who support me increases, my output speed will also accelerate.

It should also be mentioned that you can become a member at any time without having to worry about the problem of duplicate charges on the first day of the second month. you will pay monthly fees on and after the date of membership. For example, if subscription members join on the 10th day, you will pay on the same day and on the 10th day of each month thereafter.

Disclaimer: Please do not use my plug-ins or resources for any illegal purposes!


About the license :

The UI part of most of my plug-ins refers to Macgruber_ utils.cs (CC-BY) of "Macgruber".


The function of partial injection logic of RealFluid refers to "Fluids 101" of hanzmox.

How to contact me :

If you become my supporter, you will be able to join my discord server.

email : [email protected]

discord ID : PluginIdea


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