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Study Buddy - Lite (Embody Update + Lip Sync Fix)

Scenes Study Buddy - Lite (Embody Update + Lip Sync Fix)

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A Masterpiece to be remembered - Compared with the 1 position amateur scenes that get 4-5 stars, this should have 70-90 points. It is really of a completely different level.

Just download the lite scene and try it out for yourself, but I'll summarize a few key points why I warmly reccommend the patreon version:

- A huge number (30?) of animated sex positions seamlessly loading around a central bed, no load times, automatic possession
- Perfectly used moans, "wet" sounds, ambient sounds
- The motion capture animations are natural, and not "robotic" like many simpler scenes
- A wide variety of booty will work. I had to go extremely thicc before I got animation artifacts

- Did I mention 30-ish sex poses with no loading times between? I am amazed
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It would be perfect to get rid of the glasses and wear white silk stockings
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embody+lip sync , yes yes
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love it
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Not a fan of the patreon buttons but i love the attention to detail and sweet look!
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Really fantastic! It's scenes like this that keep me excited for the future of VAM. But I gotta know, where did you get the computer generated voice? I was actually pretty impressed with it.
Thanks for the review neoajdude :) I used a site called replicastudios.com
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Great scene!
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Wow, so much content, voice acting, context and everything, nice work!
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Very fun sexy scene, I love her clothing also! Thank you :)
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very immersive
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fully made art work complete story in one scene, very creative and effective
Once you can do it all in one scene it's hard to go back to sub-scenes. Thanks!
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Ok, the scene & animations are pretty great in themselves, but what really floors me is the alignment?

What kind of unholy magic is at work here?
Thanks for the review! hehe, yes there's a little bit of wizardry ;)

It's probably just having the "penisBaseControl" set to on... but a bit of trial an error to see what works with the pose. sometimes I'll parent the tip to the female's hip.. I still think the animations could be better, I might animate the male in the next one, although this is at the cost of being able to control him manually during the clips.
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