Nice Scene. Thanks!
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Excellent scene and animation quality. The lighting is some of the best I have seen, and the scene runs smoothly in VR
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Korean Voice!!!
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There are very few free scenes on the HUB that I even consider "decent". But I have to say your animations are IMPRESSIVE. I'm a long time timeline user myself and I love how you put everything together within timeline. It takes a lot of effort to have all movements synced within the same layer/anim. I'm really glad to find another talented creator here, and I'm looking forward to your future scenes :D Respect!

Also, the UI is very tight and pleasing to the eyes.
Thanks~ I'm still not used to freely use all the detailed tools of timeline. Every time I try new scene, I always found new features of various plugins. :) I'm still trying and hope you to enjoy my following works~
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Fantastic!!! More please
Thanks for support. :D
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Thanks~ :)
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Fun fact: genitals are pixelated in the pictures listed on the site.
Sometimes sort of PIXELs make things more intriguing. lol.
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Wow 10 Stars. Presentation, content, ui, light, animations, usability everything is on another level.
Thanks for support. hope to see you at the next work.
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I have been a fan of yours for awhile now and i really like the growth of your work. This scene is done really really well. The story was great, the animation was cool [ anim 4a was my fav lol ] Just me thinking of the time you put into this you deserve 8530 more 5 star ratings :} Great job
Good to hear that you enjoyed it :D I should give you additional 8530 x 5 thanks~ :)
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sound good
Thank you~
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good performance, great setting, nice angles and animations
Thanks. Please find my upcoming works too. :)
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Stunning ? I really liked your shorts but this is gorgeous! I love it. Thanks for your hard work ?
See you at the next work. Thanks. :D
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이건정말 vam 인생 최고의 작품....감사합니다땡큐아리가또셰셰니. 그는 신이야!
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Thanks for supporting. :)
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Wow, I am amazed by the quality of your scene. It is perfect and impressive. All the details that make up the scene are so neatly balanced.
I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Thanks for your comment and support. and.. I should also say that I’m a big fan of your great pool of resources.. all the source of my works and inspiration. :)
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This story is so realistic that I can't wait for the next one!
Thanks for your comment. :) The hardest part for the next work is that it’s not easy to find appropriate source of audio samples. T_T
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Remarkable work, please proceed.
Thanks. Please check periodically. :)
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Love it so much!!
Thanks so much for your support. :)
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It's such a wonderful and amazing scene that it makes my heart pound. I would like to give it 10 stars.
Thanks for your support. :) BTW, I love your great plugins. I'm trying various situations that fits those plugins.
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The scene is great.
Clean presentation, beautiful performance-friendly environment, very easy to swap out looks presets, great animation, and good voice work (even though I don't understand Korean).
Though the English dialogue was just machine-translated, it is greatly appreciated. The amount of dialogue in the entire scene is brief enough that any one of us could one day offer a more fluent English translation based on what you've given us, but as it stands, the existing English dialogue is passable enough to understand.
The slider for making the male transparent or invisible was an excellent touch as well.

The scene is great, but it could be INCREDIBLE with a few additions.
- For the lovemaking portion, add the Embody plugin with a button toggle on the menu (or any POV plugin). Just make sure not to lock camera rotation.
- During the intro sequence whenever you click the next part of the scene, the camera is placed in different positions around the girl. Even though freecam is enabled, it would have been a good quality-of-life idea to place the camera in spots where it aligns with the dialogue. For example, when you switch to the part of the scene where you're performing cunnilingus, you could place the camera closer between her legs.
- When you cum inside of her... don't just TELL ME I came inside of her, and more importantly don't say that there's cum dripping down her leg when there's visibly no cum dripping out of her at all. There are plenty of cum-related clothing items or assets I'm sure you could use for this part of the scene, I HIGHLY encourage you to use one or two of them. If you would like suggestions, we could review some options in the Discussion page.

This is SO CLOSE to being one of my favorite scenes of all time, it just needs a tiny bit more love.
I hope you continue what you're doing, and thank you for what you've given us.
Thanks to your valuable comments, and support. The one thing that I always care at top notch is that not to degrade the realitiness. Embodying is powerful tools but it's quite hard for me to find a natural position especially for the eye contact. So I always drop it at the final stage. Multiple spawn point and cum-related clothing is very good suggestion and I'll search for it for next usage. Thanks again for your thoughtful comments and see you at my next works. :)
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