This is an exterior model of the Sovereign Class Starship. A demo scene is included with engine and music resources, a special thank you to @mspeck01 for support on the sound. A volume slider is included on the left side of the demo scene. Live long and prosper. This scene is dedicated to a creator with whom I owe a great deal of thanks, but to whom I have failed to adequately recognize and thank. This kind, supportive and talented creator is Hazmhox, with whom we all owe a great debt of gratitude.

Based on the model: "Star Trek: USS Enterprise-E" ( by LoganRolphh is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (
Thank you to mspeck01 for music resources.
This scene is dedicated to a generous and talented creator: Hazmhox.
Thank you to mspeck01 for music resources.
This scene is dedicated to a generous and talented creator: Hazmhox.