Ahoy mates!
It is time to embark on a new adventure in this pirate ship modelled with exterior, upper deck and lookout towers. I have separated the helm wheel and the cannons as independent assets so that you can tailor your scenes and move these objects. The cannons include a single shot mode that can be triggered as shown in the demo scenes. Basically, when you switch to the "shot" versions of the cannon, it will fire one round of ammunition. Switching back and forth to the static cannon and the shot cannon will keep triggering the particle effects. The version of the cannon marked with the number "2" includes a built-in flash of light that will illuminate areas of your scenes.
I have included two pirate ship demo scenes. The second demo scene includes the cannons firing shells with built-in light flashes and incorporates intense motion of water, if VR users start to feel dizzy, stop and take a break. A very huge thank you to @mspeck01 for outstanding sound resources included in this asset.

It is time to embark on a new adventure in this pirate ship modelled with exterior, upper deck and lookout towers. I have separated the helm wheel and the cannons as independent assets so that you can tailor your scenes and move these objects. The cannons include a single shot mode that can be triggered as shown in the demo scenes. Basically, when you switch to the "shot" versions of the cannon, it will fire one round of ammunition. Switching back and forth to the static cannon and the shot cannon will keep triggering the particle effects. The version of the cannon marked with the number "2" includes a built-in flash of light that will illuminate areas of your scenes.
I have included two pirate ship demo scenes. The second demo scene includes the cannons firing shells with built-in light flashes and incorporates intense motion of water, if VR users start to feel dizzy, stop and take a break. A very huge thank you to @mspeck01 for outstanding sound resources included in this asset.

Based upon the model by: "Pirate ship" (https://skfb.ly/prT7V) by MatthewBlake is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
Big thank you to mspeck01 for special sound support. Awesome work once again!
Big thank you to mspeck01 for special sound support. Awesome work once again!