Superb quality of images after rendering!!!!!!!!
10/10 compression capabilities... instead of 40-50 mb for the same image quality from programs like DAZ3d, this guy's program gets it done in 2-3 mb, same 8k quality. CRAZY.
Need to improve for future:
1- output is top/bottom mirror image as opposed to Side by Side (SBS) which is literally the standard in VR entertainment industry now. SBS is the default viewing for most standard mainstream players, so each rendered photo requires manual viewing setting changes in order to view EACH PHOTO! Please, Mr. Genius, you got a top-quality program here, please update it to have the option to export by default standard industry Side by Side VR image output!
2- each render creates a new folder. Could use the option to simply add each rendered image to the same folder once it is selected, and just name each phone in sequential order. Instead, we have to open each new folder to see that 1 photo from 1 screenshot. Open 100 folders then copy paste them all together, but since they are all named 0, have to rename them all.