This is the VAR version of my RT_Lipsync plugin updated for VaM v1.20.0.7

RT LipSync is a real-time lip-syncing script for VaM. After attaching the plugin to a character, any speech playing through the character's head audio source will produce a lip-syncing animation.

After adding the "RT_LipSync.dll" plugin to a character, two plugins will appear in the plugin menu:

RT_LipSync: Controls the lipsyncing performance. Tweak settings based on your preference

RT_LipSync_Player (optional): Manually play your audio clips individually or at random intervals. To use this, either unpack the package and store audio files in the folder:


Or, leave the package packed and create a directory in:


and store audio files there. After refreshing the plugin, the audio files should show up in the dropdown menu.

If you would like to donate, here are some crypto wallets:

(BTC) 1LfAQ42twxqCerUnQ4rg4tRjN9Vn4RgpfS
(LTC) LMgDUMLoZQsHhvMSf5JYjpA2E5aijgGukn

Much appreciated!​
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