
Plugins PoseHelper

+ Morph feature (in progress).
* Undo stack expanded to 15.

Now you can edit morphs value right from the new tab in the plugin UI! The plugin supplied with some short list of built-in morphs. But you can override default morph list with file:
The file content is defined as follow:
   "bank 1 name" : [
      "morph name 1",
      "morph name 2"
    "bank 2 name" : [
      "morph name 3",
      "morph name 4"

To disable this feature just put the above file with empty content.
The plugin generate new morph file list every time it applied on a person:
You can use this file to fill in your own MorphBanks.json

* body measurement mechanics slightly changed
* undo/redo bugfixes (still, expected to be bugged ;)
* limbs mirror ability now does not move target limb root point
* hips rotation now is independent from the torso* rotation (green)
+ chest/hips rotation value now rotates arms/legs root point (for some extent for chest rotation)
+ leg mirror now consider hip yaw (only)

Unfortunately, chest yaw rotation is discarded for arm roots points calculation, since this creates ambiguity for the reverse task.
* more undo/redo feature
* plugin disable/enable does full controllers read (undoable)
* limb mirroring now does hand/foot rotation based on direct angles
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