New Mocap Animations IdleDance

Paid Scenes New Mocap Animations IdleDance

DO YOU MIND_sq.png

Hi Guys,

This is the new Mocap IdleDance Animations.

The animation comes with a basic scene for you to either add your own scene or you can download the bedroom scene for free on my Patreon page. I have also added music in the scene.
I hope you like it. :)
Lots of love Xxx
First release
Last update
3.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Idk what that prior reviewer is sniffing, she says you can get the assets not the dance animation for free....anyway, this is one of the most sexy dance animations I've seen for vam, keep it up cutebitch, I'm buying this one and futureward anything more you create like it. Also wouldn't mind an idle we can use with no big movements, something akin to standing next to the girl and having a conversation or she's standing doing something casual, not taking up too much space or making any sudden or sporadic movements
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Indicates that you can download it for free on your Patreon page and you should then pay 8 €
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