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Mass Morph Manager

Plugins Mass Morph Manager

Added a button to load the mix target preset directly from the plugin (mostly adopted from ky1001).
You still need to tap refresh before you save the appearance.
In addition, I wanted to change the name of the plugin to "Mass Morph Manager".
Added Face and Body option to the morph mixer
& Bug fixes
Added partial morph mix feature (see the video!)
Added function to smoothly initialize selected region before paste
UI fix
Auto refresh fixed
license NC lifted
UI simplified
Fixed merge morph
Remove initialization feature until it is fixed Sorry!
Added additional vertex filtering: Provides much better vertex filtering. You can use the legacy version with zero filtering strength
Vertex filtering performance improvement: Changed vertex list to hashset.
Non-performance mode performance improvement: Now only show the sliders of the selected.

It seems the performance mode is no longer a performance mode but a verbose mode :rolleyes:
Sorry for the repeated update in a short time period :cry:
Kicked the random morph pairs (left & right) out of the selection
Added a version without morph sliders inside the plugin UI
which is much faster than the full mode
Massive change! Check the video
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