This was a request by the member CuteSvetlana; an MMD conversion of the animation for Gentleman. This particular animation is difficult since the dance is mostly built via IK (Inverse Kinematics) and that's hard to translate over to a realistic human skeleton. So there will be some inaccuracies/glitches in the arm movements until I can program in better methods to parse the animation. Also, MMD's shift coordinates in unrealistic ways, so there's at least one odd shift in the animation.
However, the result was still accurate (and entertaining) enough for me to post it as a first version. Anyone wanting to follow the progress can view the thread at:
However, the result was still accurate (and entertaining) enough for me to post it as a first version. Anyone wanting to follow the progress can view the thread at:
Creating a new MMD Plugin
Hi, I'm DarkChris - a Blender animator and programmer with a lot of experience converting MMD animation using Python scripts. While I'm very impressed with VAM's abilities, I've noticed the MMD options don't have facial expression and that simply won't do for me. I've noticed that a few years...