I've tried this and it works!!! No delays between real movement and vr person movement.
My kinect is very badly positioned and so I have issues with tracking the legs and feet. I will experiment further but this is nothing short of amazing.
I'm the process of researching this kinect to VaM thing I found out a project that translates kinect joints to vive pucks. The joints show up as vive pucks in steamVR. Also interesting. the project is named kinect2vr. It has a new releases called amethyst:
https://github.com/KinectToVR/Amethyst-Releases. I've tried it and again, because my kinect is very badly positioned it doesn't track that well.
Anyway, I thought about something for your project that I think would be amazing to translate mocap into VaM. Why not, instread of your plugin receiving joint positions from kinect, do it from the output of OpenCV tracking the joint movements of either real life or from a file? Like I'm thinking of running opencv on a file, like that Sharon Stone iconic cross leg movie scene, and translating that to VaM!!