Important Note: This resource requires an external software: BepInEx, a modding software for Unity games. Virt-A-Mate is made with Unity. Users accept all risks associated with using this resource.
I have been using VAR Browser for over a year now with no issues. I am not the creator of the plugin and not affiliated in any way with it. I am sharing this guide because setting it up and using it can be confusing if you never set it up before. This guide will help provide you with enough info and screenshots to help you with the process.
If you are having any major crashing/loading issues that may be related to having a lot of vars/morphs, this will be a possible solution to help fix your issue.
What Does Var Browser Do?
Var Browser is a Var Management/Memory Management/Cache Management plugin/script. It runs on a system where all your Vars are in your AllPackages folder and only the Vars you choose to AutoInstall or load, will sweep to and be inside your AddOnPackages folder. This means if you have 5,000+ Vars but mainly use 500 Vars, you can make it to where VAM essentially thinks you only have 500 Vars. If you go to your Scenes and launch a scene that has 50 dependencies, it will then move those dependencies related to what you launched to your AddOnPackages folder as they are a part of your active session. It does this also for Hair Presets, Clothing Presets etc. If you click and launch to use them, it will move them as being active and basically try to run on just what is actually needed/being used. So it helps you run your VAM a lot lighter.
What are the benefits?
1. Var Browser is open source and free to use.
2. Var Browser will make VAM run a lot faster if you have a lot of Vars or scene vars with morphs which can cause a lot of slowness issues. If you have a lot of Vars you might also experience crashing, heap errors, or other related errors and issues and this can possibly help resolve that as well. It essentially lets you run VAM as close to a clean install as possible which may also lead to a boost in FPS.
3. Var Browser has a built in tag/filter system to see large images of Clothing, Hair, Poses and filter down by specific category. For example for Clothing you can filter down by region or check the box for Panties/Underwear which is super convenient if you have a lot of clothing items. You can then AutoInstall them and then go back to your VAM scene to load them on your model.
4. For some people, Var Browser may be the difference between being able to use VAM or not, if you keep experience crashing/issues.
What are the downsides?
1. It uses BepInEx so you have to be willing to trust using BepInEx or trust the source/creator. There is a warning on the top of the page of every BepInEx posting on the hub including for Var Browser. However it has been on the hub a long time with lots of reviews and users using it and no reported major issues. I'd recommend reading the reviews on it first and look at the page if you never heard about it:
2. If you search clothing or plugins, they will not show up in your search unless they are added to your AddonPackages folder. This is done by checking the box for AutoInstall on it in the Var Browser Dashboard. You then go back to the scene and will in the future be able to search for it and use it. It essentially moves it to your AddOnPackages folder.
3. Var Browser has it's own Menu Panel that you use to access your Var Scenes, Custom Scenes, Hub Browse, etc. This means you have to start using that and minimize it out the way.
4. Var Browser has a limitation in loading dependencies of dependencies with presets and subscenes. It loads them with no issue with scenes however which is likely your main use. So you can rely on presets to a point but some things will have to be moved to auto install to get everything needed. What I recommend is to just move the main things you know you use often and have created presets for to your AddOnPackages folder.
I believe the benefits outweigh any downsides. If you want to set it up and give it a try. Here is a guide below.
2. Navigate to the Var Browser GitHub
If you want to make sure you're going to the right URL, start by going to the VAR Brower VAM page and click on Go to Download button in the top right:
Click on the Code button.
3. Click on the green code button to get a drop down, click on Download ZIP.
4. Download BepInEx from their GitHub
On the Var Browser Vam listing page, he has a direct link to the BepInEx Github page and version he recommends. You can also go there directly and expand Assets to see the list and manually click the version to download it.
5. Add BepInEx to your VAM root folder
Unzip BepInEx and open it. Select everything.
Drag and drop it all into your VAM root folder. It will look like this. Notice the BepInEx folder is with the folders, and the other files are below it with the regular files.
6. Open Var Browser Folder
This is the Var Browser GitHub download. Unzip it and open it. Then open the "var browser" folder.
7. Open Var Browser Version
In this example we are going with the latest version as it should work with any current VAM patches if you are on the latest VAM edition. If you are on an older version of VAM you might use an older version and want to reference the Var Browser official listing page or ask on there.
8. Var Browser Files
Opening the Var Browser version folder, you will see the Var Browser files we will need to move to VAM. We will be moving BepInEx and Custom. VaM(log mode).bat is optional and not needed. It's not something I use.
First open the BepInEx folder.
9. Move plugins folder inside BepInEx folder inside VAM
Drag and drop the plugins folder into your VAM BepInEx folder.
The core folder came with BepInEx, and now we added plugins folder which came from Var Browser. This is what your BepInEx folder looks like now.
10. Move Var Browser Scripts to VAM Scripts Folder
Going back to the Var Browser v15 folder, where we got the plugins folder from. Below that is a folder for Custom. You can drag and drop that onto your VAM root and it will fill it in for you automatically. Or if you want to see what you're moving, you can drill down until you're in the Scripts folder. Then manually drag and drop it into your VAM Scripts folder.
Your VAM Scripts folder will now look like this.
11. Manually create a new folder and name it AllPackages
In your VAM root folder, manually create a new folder called "AllPackages". There is no space in the word.
Move all your Vars from your AddonPackages folder to your AllPackages folder. Your AddonPackages folder will then be completely empty.
12. Launch VAM
Launch VAM like usual. When it launches for the first time, don't click anything and wait for he Var Browser menu to total up all your Vars in your AllPackages folder. You will see the number start to increase until it stops. Once it stops and looks good you can begin using it.
You will notice the Var Browser Menu Panel is now loading when you launch VAM.
13. Var Browser Menu Panel Main Sections
1. Dragable area lets you move it from the left side of the screen to bottom right corner. That's where I move it to.
2. This will show you the total Var packages it found. 0 in Green is the AddonPackages which is currently empty. 18/18 is what I have in AllPackages.
3. + - is to collapse and expand the panel to hide it from view.
4. If you download a new Var from Hub Browse on the Panel, you can click Refresh and it will update your Var Browser total and related sections.
5. Hub Browse is how you will want to browse the Hub to download new Vars. Using it this way will download them directly to your AllPackages folder instead of your AddonPackages folder. If you accidentally click the regular Hub Browse in VAM, it will download it to AddonPackages which is not an issue. You can manually move it later or just leave it there. The only downside is it could cause duplicates, so when you move it later, it might say already exists and you just delete the duplicate from AddOnPackages.
6. These are your Custom Scenes that you have saved/created.
7. These are Scenes that load from Vars or default scenes.
8. All allows you to see everything you have and search for things like plugins.
Important Note: Uninstall All
Uninstall All does not delete any Vars. Clicking Uninstall All moves the Vars from the AddonPackages folder back into the AllPackages folder, except those that are marked as AutoInstall, OR vars that exist in BOTH folders. It essentially clears your session files and moves them back.
It does a cut and paste of the files in the AddonPackages, back into the AllPackages folder. The Vars that are marked as "blue" in the Var Browser. It's the main functionality of the Var Browser. To be able to "Restore" your VAM session, back into a state where it only has the Vars installed you set as "AutoInstall".
Category Preset Buttons (e.g. Clothing)
There are additional buttons that help you filter through certain things like Clothing, Hair, Poses. For example Clothing under Category will launch a preview of your clothing items with Tags on the left that help you filter the view down further.
If you filter by panties and underwear, you can then click the gear icon and choose what to Auto Install. You then go back to the VAM scene and can equip it on your model. This can be a great alternative to filter through a large selection of Vars faster to find specific items.
14. How Auto Install and Favorite Works
If you click on Scene under Category, it shows all the scenes that loaded from Vars. I am on a clean install of VAM so this is just the scenes that mostly come with VAM being shown.
If you click the Gear Icon, you can then check the box for Auto Install and Favorite. What Auto Install does is sets it to automatically move and be in your AddOnPackages folder. Checking Favorite lets you find it with the Only Favorite checkbox on the top bar.
This MeshedVR scene has multiple scenes from that same Var. So if I check to Auto Install it, you will see all the related scenes are Auto Installed as well because they are in the same Var that was moved to AddonPackages. They are all then changed to Orange to keep track of it.
15. Var Browser AddOnPackages
You will then now see a green 1 on your Var Browser Panel or it will increase by however many you check for Auto Install.
If I go preview the VAM AddonPackages folder, you will see the folder that was previously empty, because we moved everything to AllPackages, now has that 1 Var in it. It sweeps it over and does not require restarting VAM.
16. Var Browser Hub Browse
One common issue you will find starting out is with plugins. Lets say I don't have a plugin and want to get it. I can go to Hub Browse in the Var Browser Panel menu. I click on download like normal on it.
Then on the Var Browser Panel, you can click on the Refresh button and you will see all the things I downloaded from the Hub Browse will update my total. It was previously 18/18 and now it is 19/19. However notice it still show a green 1. That means it downloaded it to my AllPackages folder.
17. Moving Plugin Vars to AddonPackages
If I launch a scene and want to use this plugin because it is not used in the scene, when I go to search plugins to add it, it will not show up in the search. I have to first have it be set to Auto Install or be moved to my AddOnPackages folder.
On the Var Browser Panel, click the All button at the very bottom to see everything. You can then search for the Var name or Plugin and then check it for Auto Install. Now when you go back to that scene and try to add the plugin to that scene, it will show up to add it.
18. Var Browser BepInEx Folder Auto Updates
Originally we had only the core folder and plugins folder in BepInEx. When we launch Var Browser for the first time it auto updates and adds the additional folders in there.
19. VAM Cache AutoUpdates
You will also notice there is now a cache for AllPackages in VAM Cache.
20. Manually moving Vars from AllPackages to AddOnPackages
One way that I use Var Browser is I search my AllPackages folder for the creators that I use often and will just move all their Vars to my AddonPackages folder manually.
To do this, you can close VAM and go look at your folders. Manually move what you know you use often to the AddOnPackages folder from AllPackages. Or you can just manually move what you plan to use or check out, if you maybe downloaded some new things recently.
In this example, I moved everything except 1 Var manually to my AddOnPackages folder. You will see it now shows a green 18 with 19/19.
If I go back to the Var Browser Panel and click on the All button at the bottom, you will see everything that gets highlighted/updated except that one Var I didn't manually move. This means you do not have to click the Gear icon one by one to check them, you can manually move the Vars from your AllPackages folder to your AddonPackages folder. I personally shut down VAM and restart when I do it.
21. Loading a Scene/Preset will Load the Related AddOnPackages Automatically
What you will find with Var Browser is having presets is a great way to not have to Auto Install as much. If you have Hair or Clothing presets, you can just click those and it will load those items in for you, moving them from AllPackages to AddonPackages because they are being used by what was launched.
This is the same thing for Scenes that already use those items as dependencies. This will then sweep them over for use and back after not in use. If it's a dependency listed, it gets moved over based on that active sessions requirements.
Important Note: Presets (Dependencies with Dependencies)
Not all preset systems work directly without Auto Installing first. For example if you do not have morphpackX.var installed when you load a subscene that contains an atom with timeline which uses a morph file in the timeline from morphpackX.var you will see that var browser does not install this var. Therefore you should never rely on the preset, correctly, loading all the essential vars fully but it can help cover most situations.
22. Temporarily Reverting Back/Temporarily Deactivating Var Browser
After using it for the first few times, you might not know what all you really want to move over or may want to go back to the old way to create more presets. You can manually move all Vars back to AddOnPackages and also add an underscore in front of BepInEx so the folder name looks like this: _BepInEx
That will then basically comment it out/deactivate it but leave it in the same spot. It will turn off Var Browser. Or you could just manually remove the BepInEx folder to a backup folder and add it back as needed to turn it on/off if needed. You then remove the underscore or add the folder back if you want to turn it back on.
23. Turning on BepInEx Error Logging (Optional)
This is off by default and is not needed but can be turned on. This is a feature of BepInEx and not directly a feature of Var Browser. You can turn on error logging in the default BepInEx config file. When you launch VAM with Var Browser you will then get a CMD window that opens minimized that you can view for troubleshooting issues if needed. It will show certain errors for Vars and plugins that do not appear in the regular error log within VAM. This could help find possible broken vars to manually replace them.
If you want to turn on error logging, first shut down VAM, then navigate to VAM\BepInEx\config and open the BepInEx.cfg file with something like NotePad++/Notepad.
Go to line 48 under the section [Logging.Console] and set it to:
Enabled = true
Save the file and then start VAM.
You will then get a CMD window with error log tracking and you can see if any vars or plugins are throwing any errors that are not being reported in the regular error log within VAM.
Troubleshooting Issues/Additional Questions
This guide serves as a more basic guide to get it setup and using it based on how I use it. For additional info, or If you have any challenges or issues, consider reviewing their Discussion on the official page for it, and asking the question directly there so others can more easily find the question and answer as well on the main page for it...
Final Thoughts
Var Browser overall should improve your VAM experience if you have a lot of Vars. Give it a try if you see the benefits mentioned in this guide or are having any major crashing/loading issues that may be related to having a lot of vars/morphs and are looking for a possible solution. Feel free to leave a positive reaction if you found this guide helpful as it will help others find it, and could help others. Thank you.
A Very Special Thanks to @sfishere for sharing it on the hub, and @lggcfx who are involved with it.
I have been using VAR Browser for over a year now with no issues. I am not the creator of the plugin and not affiliated in any way with it. I am sharing this guide because setting it up and using it can be confusing if you never set it up before. This guide will help provide you with enough info and screenshots to help you with the process.
If you are having any major crashing/loading issues that may be related to having a lot of vars/morphs, this will be a possible solution to help fix your issue.
What Does Var Browser Do?
Var Browser is a Var Management/Memory Management/Cache Management plugin/script. It runs on a system where all your Vars are in your AllPackages folder and only the Vars you choose to AutoInstall or load, will sweep to and be inside your AddOnPackages folder. This means if you have 5,000+ Vars but mainly use 500 Vars, you can make it to where VAM essentially thinks you only have 500 Vars. If you go to your Scenes and launch a scene that has 50 dependencies, it will then move those dependencies related to what you launched to your AddOnPackages folder as they are a part of your active session. It does this also for Hair Presets, Clothing Presets etc. If you click and launch to use them, it will move them as being active and basically try to run on just what is actually needed/being used. So it helps you run your VAM a lot lighter.
What are the benefits?
1. Var Browser is open source and free to use.
2. Var Browser will make VAM run a lot faster if you have a lot of Vars or scene vars with morphs which can cause a lot of slowness issues. If you have a lot of Vars you might also experience crashing, heap errors, or other related errors and issues and this can possibly help resolve that as well. It essentially lets you run VAM as close to a clean install as possible which may also lead to a boost in FPS.
3. Var Browser has a built in tag/filter system to see large images of Clothing, Hair, Poses and filter down by specific category. For example for Clothing you can filter down by region or check the box for Panties/Underwear which is super convenient if you have a lot of clothing items. You can then AutoInstall them and then go back to your VAM scene to load them on your model.
4. For some people, Var Browser may be the difference between being able to use VAM or not, if you keep experience crashing/issues.
What are the downsides?
1. It uses BepInEx so you have to be willing to trust using BepInEx or trust the source/creator. There is a warning on the top of the page of every BepInEx posting on the hub including for Var Browser. However it has been on the hub a long time with lots of reviews and users using it and no reported major issues. I'd recommend reading the reviews on it first and look at the page if you never heard about it:

var browser - Plugins + Scripts -
OpenSource: var browser help people who have massive var packages and take too long time to enter game. this plugin made on BepInEx. here is the steps(this is write by kretos,thanks) (all in VAM's game...

2. If you search clothing or plugins, they will not show up in your search unless they are added to your AddonPackages folder. This is done by checking the box for AutoInstall on it in the Var Browser Dashboard. You then go back to the scene and will in the future be able to search for it and use it. It essentially moves it to your AddOnPackages folder.
3. Var Browser has it's own Menu Panel that you use to access your Var Scenes, Custom Scenes, Hub Browse, etc. This means you have to start using that and minimize it out the way.
4. Var Browser has a limitation in loading dependencies of dependencies with presets and subscenes. It loads them with no issue with scenes however which is likely your main use. So you can rely on presets to a point but some things will have to be moved to auto install to get everything needed. What I recommend is to just move the main things you know you use often and have created presets for to your AddOnPackages folder.
I believe the benefits outweigh any downsides. If you want to set it up and give it a try. Here is a guide below.
How To Setup and Use Var Browser
1. Open your VAM folder. This is what a default VAM folder will look like.2. Navigate to the Var Browser GitHub
If you want to make sure you're going to the right URL, start by going to the VAR Brower VAM page and click on Go to Download button in the top right:
Click on the Code button.
3. Click on the green code button to get a drop down, click on Download ZIP.
4. Download BepInEx from their GitHub
On the Var Browser Vam listing page, he has a direct link to the BepInEx Github page and version he recommends. You can also go there directly and expand Assets to see the list and manually click the version to download it.
5. Add BepInEx to your VAM root folder
Unzip BepInEx and open it. Select everything.
Drag and drop it all into your VAM root folder. It will look like this. Notice the BepInEx folder is with the folders, and the other files are below it with the regular files.
6. Open Var Browser Folder
This is the Var Browser GitHub download. Unzip it and open it. Then open the "var browser" folder.
7. Open Var Browser Version
In this example we are going with the latest version as it should work with any current VAM patches if you are on the latest VAM edition. If you are on an older version of VAM you might use an older version and want to reference the Var Browser official listing page or ask on there.
8. Var Browser Files
Opening the Var Browser version folder, you will see the Var Browser files we will need to move to VAM. We will be moving BepInEx and Custom. VaM(log mode).bat is optional and not needed. It's not something I use.
First open the BepInEx folder.
9. Move plugins folder inside BepInEx folder inside VAM
Drag and drop the plugins folder into your VAM BepInEx folder.
The core folder came with BepInEx, and now we added plugins folder which came from Var Browser. This is what your BepInEx folder looks like now.
10. Move Var Browser Scripts to VAM Scripts Folder
Going back to the Var Browser v15 folder, where we got the plugins folder from. Below that is a folder for Custom. You can drag and drop that onto your VAM root and it will fill it in for you automatically. Or if you want to see what you're moving, you can drill down until you're in the Scripts folder. Then manually drag and drop it into your VAM Scripts folder.
Your VAM Scripts folder will now look like this.
11. Manually create a new folder and name it AllPackages
In your VAM root folder, manually create a new folder called "AllPackages". There is no space in the word.
Move all your Vars from your AddonPackages folder to your AllPackages folder. Your AddonPackages folder will then be completely empty.
12. Launch VAM
Launch VAM like usual. When it launches for the first time, don't click anything and wait for he Var Browser menu to total up all your Vars in your AllPackages folder. You will see the number start to increase until it stops. Once it stops and looks good you can begin using it.
You will notice the Var Browser Menu Panel is now loading when you launch VAM.
13. Var Browser Menu Panel Main Sections
1. Dragable area lets you move it from the left side of the screen to bottom right corner. That's where I move it to.
2. This will show you the total Var packages it found. 0 in Green is the AddonPackages which is currently empty. 18/18 is what I have in AllPackages.
3. + - is to collapse and expand the panel to hide it from view.
4. If you download a new Var from Hub Browse on the Panel, you can click Refresh and it will update your Var Browser total and related sections.
5. Hub Browse is how you will want to browse the Hub to download new Vars. Using it this way will download them directly to your AllPackages folder instead of your AddonPackages folder. If you accidentally click the regular Hub Browse in VAM, it will download it to AddonPackages which is not an issue. You can manually move it later or just leave it there. The only downside is it could cause duplicates, so when you move it later, it might say already exists and you just delete the duplicate from AddOnPackages.
6. These are your Custom Scenes that you have saved/created.
7. These are Scenes that load from Vars or default scenes.
8. All allows you to see everything you have and search for things like plugins.
Important Note: Uninstall All
Uninstall All does not delete any Vars. Clicking Uninstall All moves the Vars from the AddonPackages folder back into the AllPackages folder, except those that are marked as AutoInstall, OR vars that exist in BOTH folders. It essentially clears your session files and moves them back.
It does a cut and paste of the files in the AddonPackages, back into the AllPackages folder. The Vars that are marked as "blue" in the Var Browser. It's the main functionality of the Var Browser. To be able to "Restore" your VAM session, back into a state where it only has the Vars installed you set as "AutoInstall".
Category Preset Buttons (e.g. Clothing)
There are additional buttons that help you filter through certain things like Clothing, Hair, Poses. For example Clothing under Category will launch a preview of your clothing items with Tags on the left that help you filter the view down further.
If you filter by panties and underwear, you can then click the gear icon and choose what to Auto Install. You then go back to the VAM scene and can equip it on your model. This can be a great alternative to filter through a large selection of Vars faster to find specific items.
14. How Auto Install and Favorite Works
If you click on Scene under Category, it shows all the scenes that loaded from Vars. I am on a clean install of VAM so this is just the scenes that mostly come with VAM being shown.
If you click the Gear Icon, you can then check the box for Auto Install and Favorite. What Auto Install does is sets it to automatically move and be in your AddOnPackages folder. Checking Favorite lets you find it with the Only Favorite checkbox on the top bar.
This MeshedVR scene has multiple scenes from that same Var. So if I check to Auto Install it, you will see all the related scenes are Auto Installed as well because they are in the same Var that was moved to AddonPackages. They are all then changed to Orange to keep track of it.
15. Var Browser AddOnPackages
You will then now see a green 1 on your Var Browser Panel or it will increase by however many you check for Auto Install.
If I go preview the VAM AddonPackages folder, you will see the folder that was previously empty, because we moved everything to AllPackages, now has that 1 Var in it. It sweeps it over and does not require restarting VAM.
16. Var Browser Hub Browse
One common issue you will find starting out is with plugins. Lets say I don't have a plugin and want to get it. I can go to Hub Browse in the Var Browser Panel menu. I click on download like normal on it.
Then on the Var Browser Panel, you can click on the Refresh button and you will see all the things I downloaded from the Hub Browse will update my total. It was previously 18/18 and now it is 19/19. However notice it still show a green 1. That means it downloaded it to my AllPackages folder.
17. Moving Plugin Vars to AddonPackages
If I launch a scene and want to use this plugin because it is not used in the scene, when I go to search plugins to add it, it will not show up in the search. I have to first have it be set to Auto Install or be moved to my AddOnPackages folder.
On the Var Browser Panel, click the All button at the very bottom to see everything. You can then search for the Var name or Plugin and then check it for Auto Install. Now when you go back to that scene and try to add the plugin to that scene, it will show up to add it.
18. Var Browser BepInEx Folder Auto Updates
Originally we had only the core folder and plugins folder in BepInEx. When we launch Var Browser for the first time it auto updates and adds the additional folders in there.
19. VAM Cache AutoUpdates
You will also notice there is now a cache for AllPackages in VAM Cache.
20. Manually moving Vars from AllPackages to AddOnPackages
One way that I use Var Browser is I search my AllPackages folder for the creators that I use often and will just move all their Vars to my AddonPackages folder manually.
To do this, you can close VAM and go look at your folders. Manually move what you know you use often to the AddOnPackages folder from AllPackages. Or you can just manually move what you plan to use or check out, if you maybe downloaded some new things recently.
In this example, I moved everything except 1 Var manually to my AddOnPackages folder. You will see it now shows a green 18 with 19/19.
If I go back to the Var Browser Panel and click on the All button at the bottom, you will see everything that gets highlighted/updated except that one Var I didn't manually move. This means you do not have to click the Gear icon one by one to check them, you can manually move the Vars from your AllPackages folder to your AddonPackages folder. I personally shut down VAM and restart when I do it.
21. Loading a Scene/Preset will Load the Related AddOnPackages Automatically
What you will find with Var Browser is having presets is a great way to not have to Auto Install as much. If you have Hair or Clothing presets, you can just click those and it will load those items in for you, moving them from AllPackages to AddonPackages because they are being used by what was launched.
This is the same thing for Scenes that already use those items as dependencies. This will then sweep them over for use and back after not in use. If it's a dependency listed, it gets moved over based on that active sessions requirements.
Important Note: Presets (Dependencies with Dependencies)
Not all preset systems work directly without Auto Installing first. For example if you do not have morphpackX.var installed when you load a subscene that contains an atom with timeline which uses a morph file in the timeline from morphpackX.var you will see that var browser does not install this var. Therefore you should never rely on the preset, correctly, loading all the essential vars fully but it can help cover most situations.
22. Temporarily Reverting Back/Temporarily Deactivating Var Browser
After using it for the first few times, you might not know what all you really want to move over or may want to go back to the old way to create more presets. You can manually move all Vars back to AddOnPackages and also add an underscore in front of BepInEx so the folder name looks like this: _BepInEx
That will then basically comment it out/deactivate it but leave it in the same spot. It will turn off Var Browser. Or you could just manually remove the BepInEx folder to a backup folder and add it back as needed to turn it on/off if needed. You then remove the underscore or add the folder back if you want to turn it back on.
23. Turning on BepInEx Error Logging (Optional)
This is off by default and is not needed but can be turned on. This is a feature of BepInEx and not directly a feature of Var Browser. You can turn on error logging in the default BepInEx config file. When you launch VAM with Var Browser you will then get a CMD window that opens minimized that you can view for troubleshooting issues if needed. It will show certain errors for Vars and plugins that do not appear in the regular error log within VAM. This could help find possible broken vars to manually replace them.
If you want to turn on error logging, first shut down VAM, then navigate to VAM\BepInEx\config and open the BepInEx.cfg file with something like NotePad++/Notepad.
Go to line 48 under the section [Logging.Console] and set it to:
Enabled = true
Save the file and then start VAM.
You will then get a CMD window with error log tracking and you can see if any vars or plugins are throwing any errors that are not being reported in the regular error log within VAM.
Troubleshooting Issues/Additional Questions
This guide serves as a more basic guide to get it setup and using it based on how I use it. For additional info, or If you have any challenges or issues, consider reviewing their Discussion on the official page for it, and asking the question directly there so others can more easily find the question and answer as well on the main page for it...

var browser - Plugins + Scripts -
OpenSource: var browser help people who have massive var packages and take too long time to enter game. this plugin made on BepInEx. here is the steps(this is write by kretos,thanks) (all in VAM's game...

Final Thoughts
Var Browser overall should improve your VAM experience if you have a lot of Vars. Give it a try if you see the benefits mentioned in this guide or are having any major crashing/loading issues that may be related to having a lot of vars/morphs and are looking for a possible solution. Feel free to leave a positive reaction if you found this guide helpful as it will help others find it, and could help others. Thank you.
A Very Special Thanks to @sfishere for sharing it on the hub, and @lggcfx who are involved with it.