Ground Planes 2 is the next generation of high-definition ground assets that are designed to simulate various types of ground settings ranging from grass to snow and many other options. There are eight ground types, each texture type has both a flat horizon and hilltop option. In the "horizon" assets, I added a concave circular lip around the perimeter, as this makes for a more convincing horizon in VAM as opposed to a flat square surface.
So why not update the first ground plane asset versus make a new one? I decided to make a new ground plane asset for three reasons: to start fresh with a new high-definition texture set, to enable rapid switching between ground asset settings if creators choose to do so, and to minimize the file size of the VAR for these new ground assets. The last two options were made possible by incorporating all of the ground planes into one assetbundle. These ground planes also incorporate improved shadow casting as compared to the original set.
Ground planes are designed to create a simple base structure for outdoor scenes in VAM. These assets are built using rather large texture planes, so large in fact, that the size extends beyond the scale of most sky boxes. This means that if you rotate around the Y axis of the hill assets, the top of the hills will change as the textures interact with the mesh of the skybox, which can be used as a way to create variety in the look of the hilltops. In making higher definition textures, it can be challenging in balancing between resolution and undesirable patterns. I welcome feedback on whether it might be better to sacrifice resolution in order to reduce patterns in some of these textures. I also welcome ideas for more ground texture themes.

So why not update the first ground plane asset versus make a new one? I decided to make a new ground plane asset for three reasons: to start fresh with a new high-definition texture set, to enable rapid switching between ground asset settings if creators choose to do so, and to minimize the file size of the VAR for these new ground assets. The last two options were made possible by incorporating all of the ground planes into one assetbundle. These ground planes also incorporate improved shadow casting as compared to the original set.
Ground planes are designed to create a simple base structure for outdoor scenes in VAM. These assets are built using rather large texture planes, so large in fact, that the size extends beyond the scale of most sky boxes. This means that if you rotate around the Y axis of the hill assets, the top of the hills will change as the textures interact with the mesh of the skybox, which can be used as a way to create variety in the look of the hilltops. In making higher definition textures, it can be challenging in balancing between resolution and undesirable patterns. I welcome feedback on whether it might be better to sacrifice resolution in order to reduce patterns in some of these textures. I also welcome ideas for more ground texture themes.