Eight piece set, includes leotard, shirt, overshirt, gloves, gloves L, gloves R, panties and skirt. This one took a while to do. Rather drawn out creative process for this one. But it came out great in the end.
Gloves are separated or together as a set, the leotard was split into two separate pieces as well. Proper alpha layering so nothing looks off. Custom work on all the textures as well. Made to go with my model Pandora here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/pandora.36414/
Gloves are separated or together as a set, the leotard was split into two separate pieces as well. Proper alpha layering so nothing looks off. Custom work on all the textures as well. Made to go with my model Pandora here: https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/pandora.36414/