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So, one of my wife's favorite things is to re-create stuff from my past... One of the first things I noticed when I started using VAM was that the default girl looks A LOT like a previous girlfriend. Like a lot. So, I re-created my old girlfriend to re-create scenes from the past for my wife. I've included one re-created scene from that series. This particular girlfriend was a strange mix of shy, raging hormones, and bondage fantasies, so thus included a bondage scene as well.

I guess I need to clarify :) , the teasing scene is something that occurred (the one on the bed) but the bondage stuff, etc, never actually happened, but she loved to fantasize about it. (Hopefully that clears things up.)

Also of note... I actually dated her sister first... So my plan is to release her sister as well, I just need to take some time and tweak that model....




Bob Nothing
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leave this rating eventually because I appreciate your honesty, if this is just "literature" or really a nightmare of your past you should exorcise. Never been in pleasing girls with mind sickness.
Bob Nothing
Bob Nothing
Posted that in a hurry and realized I should probably clarify. The teasing scene on the bed happened, but the bondage type stuff did not happen in real life, she just really liked to fantasize about it. (It was basically her go to type fantasies.) Hopefully that clarifies.
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