I had enough to make a demo 
Important notes, requires a 2nd load up, vam isn't ok'ing everything fast enough the first time, so it loads orange monica skins, non transparent spheres, etc.
After generally making everyone miserable at the club, you have one final task, making sure people leave... by any means neccessary..
in order to walk around with the guy in the hallway, you need to switch over to edit mode, select him and then pick a position to move to (optional). Otherwise, just click on the check room buttons
takes forever to load...
pov on/off buttons will sometimes leave you in a weird position, but there's no way around it
Important notes, requires a 2nd load up, vam isn't ok'ing everything fast enough the first time, so it loads orange monica skins, non transparent spheres, etc.
After generally making everyone miserable at the club, you have one final task, making sure people leave... by any means neccessary..
in order to walk around with the guy in the hallway, you need to switch over to edit mode, select him and then pick a position to move to (optional). Otherwise, just click on the check room buttons
takes forever to load...
pov on/off buttons will sometimes leave you in a weird position, but there's no way around it