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Fashion - Sexy Smart

Other Fashion - Sexy Smart 2

User: VAM12132312 suggested providing presets along with the clothing, so I thought it would be fun to provide a scene that contains the girl and clothing being displayed in my screen shots.

Here is the first one. I'm calling this one "Sexy Smart"!
Don't forget to get all the dependencies from the Dependencies Tab.
Hair by Roäc not on hub, but get it here:
Roäc - Hair - Windy hair - https://www.patreon.com/posts/windy...tm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_fan


2022-10-07 22_17_17-.jpg

2022-10-07 22_16_33-.jpg

2022-10-07 22_19_00-.jpg

2022-10-07 22_36_28-.jpg

2022-10-07 22_25_34-Scratch - Figma.jpg

2022-10-07 22_25_39-Scratch - Figma.jpg
First release
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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings
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Thanks, i feel honored that you took my suggestion and provided a complete scene with a model to showcase your creation.

If i may suggest another idea to make your collections that are most impressive when combined shine even more:
Please consider using a scene with some mocap and most important some buttons to switch between the hottest combinations of your clothing. Maybe like here https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/free-wardrobe-mocap-scene-motion-capture-by-afvr.19092/ i would subscribe imediathely. (Maybe AnythingfashionVr even lets you use his scene as a template.)
Thanks in advance
I like it! :D
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