Just a little morph I made for someone in the comments, but I couldn't drop a .var there. Others may find it useful too.
The Smooth passes setting in User Preferences in Vam flattens out parts of the ear because there isn't a lot of geometry there to work with. I made this small morph to over exaggerate that area to put some geometry back.
It's only 6 verts each side, so it's still a little sharp. Adding a tessellation plugin like this one from Hunting-Succubus can improve the look more.
The Smooth passes setting in User Preferences in Vam flattens out parts of the ear because there isn't a lot of geometry there to work with. I made this small morph to over exaggerate that area to put some geometry back.
It's only 6 verts each side, so it's still a little sharp. Adding a tessellation plugin like this one from Hunting-Succubus can improve the look more.

Plugins - Female Body Smoother Tessellation
Season Plugin ver - https://hub.virtamate.com/resources/automaticbodysmoother-season-plugin.5235/ Released To Public Its also must for Reshade RTGI/MXAO shaders to remove blockiness. For those who want no compromise, max quality...