This plugin will detect instances of MacGruber's PostMagic plugin and optionally disable them. Although PostMagic is an incredible plugin, on occasions it can cause visual side effects that make it hard to use the VAM UI. This most notably happens when opening a Scene from another Creator that has PostMagic embedded within it. Opening the scene automatically starts PostMagic and then renders VAM semi inoperable. When this happens, locating PostMagic in a multitude of Scene atoms can be challenging.

This plugin can optionally auto disable PostMagic when any Scene Load occurs. There is also an option to ensure Auto disabling only occurs when using VR.

This plugin is designed to be run as a Session Plugin. To ensure that it runs at VAM startup, use 'Session Plugin Presets > Change User Defaults > Set current as User Defaults' option in VAM. When any of the toggle options of this plugin are modified, you will need to set the Session Plugin Preset User Default again, to ensure those option changes are persisted in the next VAM session.
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