• Hello Guest!

    We have recently updated our Site Policies regarding the use of Non Commercial content within Paid Content posts. Please read the new policy here.

    An offical announcement about this new policy can be read on our Discord.

    ~The VaMHub Moderation Team
  • Hello Guest!

    We posted an announcment regarding upcoming changes to Paid Content submissions.

    Please see this thread for more information.


Paid Plugins DirectorNeoVAM

(1)Improved dildo mounting function for special action
(2)Improvement of respiratory action function
(3)Various other corrections
(1) You can now set the color and transparency of the liquid action.
(2) Liquid can now be used for "Player ‡ MainCamera" in the liquid action.
(3) "Player ‡ MainCamera" can now be used in the parent Atom of the pair snap animation.
(4) Adjusted the collision area of the touch action of "Player ‡ Main Camera".
Fixed a bug that VAM freezes at the end.
(1)Improved character replacement function
(2)Look action logic changes. Implementation of pupil changes and eye sway.
(1)Improved look action behavior.
(1)Added UI show/hide button.

(2)Fixed a bug related to loop execution of look action.
(3)Added the function to stop the look action.
(1) Fixed a bug that a small blue box is displayed on the screen.
(2) Changed the delimiter method when defining multiple words in a voice event from spaces to commas.
This fix makes it possible to recognize words such as "Sit down".
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