The resource is a constitution class starship with 5 modes of operation in the assetbundle: no power, no effects (lights with no particle effects) and then three different versions of warp nacelle particle effects. The particle effects have different levels of detail and impact on framerates, I will continue to explore more options. This resource also includes a new warp 7 starfield effect.
There is a demo scene included labelled "Constitution." On the left side of the scene there is a sound volume slider, a toggle to turn on and off extra stars, and five buttons to select the different modes available for the starship. When the scene loads the version 2 warp nacelle effect will be running. Special thanks to @mspeck01 for sound engineering for this resource, as well as the nice preview video below.

There is a demo scene included labelled "Constitution." On the left side of the scene there is a sound volume slider, a toggle to turn on and off extra stars, and five buttons to select the different modes available for the starship. When the scene loads the version 2 warp nacelle effect will be running. Special thanks to @mspeck01 for sound engineering for this resource, as well as the nice preview video below.

Based upon the model: "U.S.S. Enterprise NCC-1701\" ( by riker446 is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution (