Lingerie Set Vol 2

Simple lingerie set with twelve texture presets with mesh, velvet and lace. Optimised for layering under other clothes by being skin-tight with minimal geometry detail and illusory height provided by normal maps. Consequently the nipple morph must be turned down manually for bras to look their best.

Multiple volumes of lingerie sets are contained under one clothing item on the clothing tab to prevent clutter. The clothing item itself is only in the Var for set 1, which is why that is listed as a dependency. This is volume 02. Open the set 1 clothing item then go to texture presets and navigate through the folders to find the volume 2 designs.

 This is the first time I've attempted something with dependencies, please let me know if you have downloaded both volumes but it still doesn't work for you!

Designed specifically to work well with the cloudcover shirt sets and bust morphs.

Promo images use MonsterShinkai's lighting rigs, poses by Rem and Luminestrial and as ever the excellent Hunting-Succubus Enhanced Eyes. I can't remember the creators for the hair for each shot but if it looks boss then chances are ddaamm is responsible.

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