• Hello Guest!

    We have recently updated our Site Policies regarding the use of Non Commercial content within Paid Content posts. Please read the new policy here.

    An offical announcement about this new policy can be read on our Discord.

    ~The VaMHub Moderation Team
  • Hello Guest!

    We posted an announcment regarding upcoming changes to Paid Content submissions.

    Please see this thread for more information.

♥ Description and how to use

It's a modular BDSM frame asset using custom mesh and textures. The frame comes with several bits and pieces allowing you to customize it to your needs. For an easier setup I included 4 poses and 4 SubScenes.


License and usage in the paid addons


Free addons:
You can use it the way you like as long as you respect CC BY-NC-BD license meaning:
- You have to credit me properly ideally (link back to this resource on hub)
- You have to share your work using the same license
- You have to use it in non-commercial way only

Paid addons:
If you want to use it in your paid addon you can but only when you support the Creator Tier on my Patreon. And you have to support this tier for as long as the addon relying on the BDSM Frame asset remains a paid addon. This applies to the scenario when BDSM Frame asset is just a dependancy. Please ask if you are not sure what it means for paid addon creators.

Also in both usage cases you must not unpack the .var file and use the .assetbundle file separately inside your .var

First release
Last update
0.00 star(s) 0 ratings

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