Caution: these robots have been hacked and have become quite aggressive. The robots are equipped with plasma shard cannons and they will often shake their weapons violently in order to further spread the destruction.
This asset is composed of a set of 14 selectable robot animations that are combined into one assetbundle. The robot is located in the sci-fi folder. Those familiar with my work know that I do not normally bundle multiple effects together (see first image below), but I bundled all the robot animations together in order that triggers can easily switch between the different animations. The demo scene included in this post shows some simple examples of animation patterns that trigger changes.
Four of the animated robot options include particle effects. This is the first time that I have attempted to integrate my custom-made particle effects into 3d animated mesh. I hope that you like the results.

This asset is composed of a set of 14 selectable robot animations that are combined into one assetbundle. The robot is located in the sci-fi folder. Those familiar with my work know that I do not normally bundle multiple effects together (see first image below), but I bundled all the robot animations together in order that triggers can easily switch between the different animations. The demo scene included in this post shows some simple examples of animation patterns that trigger changes.
Four of the animated robot options include particle effects. This is the first time that I have attempted to integrate my custom-made particle effects into 3d animated mesh. I hope that you like the results.