American adult story

Paid Looks American adult story

T.F is perfectly done and EmR is simply beautiful. Love all the little details of those two model. You even use the AHS font on the preview pictures, Awesome work !
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This is simply the best Em R lookalike on VAM. I think I have all of the ones on the Hub (paid or otherwise) and this one is absolute perfection, especially if you like the AHS look. The pictures simply don't do it justice, once you are in VR and see the face up close it's a perfect rendition. The other girl is the same, just as all BAMAIR's models are; Perfect. I've been following BAM for some time now on discord and I can tell you honestly; if he's not sleeping he's working on VAM models. Couldn't be happier with this one, I'm SO glad he did AHS!
Thank you for your support and reply!
I will continue to improve other models until you are satisfied❤
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