Another Elder Scrolls inspired look that I had made almost a year ago, but wasn't too happy with.
This is Almalexia, one of the tribunal gods of Morrowind, also known as Almalexia the Lover, Ayem, Mother Morrowind, Lady of Mercy, .... (Elder Scrolls lore goes deep, trust me.)
I just really like elves. And Elder Scrolls.
There are three non-Hub requirements for this look:
Senua by jackaroo

Hairstyles - Baroquesque Hair

Hairstyles - Côte d'Azur Hair (Compatiblity Version)
Just a remix of the previous version with some tweaks to allow it to fit more regular morphs. Follow the download button to get it free! Disclaimer: All hairs I create are either unique or made as my personal interpretation of the likeness of...

Included are three different hairstyles: One modeled after her look in Elder Scrolls: Online, one after her original appearance in Morrowind, and one with her hair down.
Hairstyle number 2 has some issues: After loading the AlmalexiaTB hair preset, you will also need to load the preset included for the Long Backswept hairstyle.
Then it should look like above.
And as a bonus I've also included a (not really lore-friendly) Dunmer (Dark Elf) version of Almalexia:
Hunting-Succubus for Enhanced Eyes.
Jackaroo for Senua's headpiece / crown.
Polyfire for the Hot Mage Skirt.
Oeshii and Miki Hair assets.
kemenate and Scamp for body hair assets.
hazmhox, xstatic and WgSoup for scene effects.
Bethesda Softworks for The Elder Scrolls and it's characters.
Plangkye on Nexusmods for the Better Almalexia mod and the original textures used for my tattoo decals.