Molly is 5'4" and weights 115-125lbs. Molly's birthday is May 13th. Her size is 30B.
Credit to Roac for Cailin Hair, scamp for pubic hair, MonsterShinkai's genital textures, Dj's tanlines, IP's nipple decals, and RENVR's Jess skin. OrangePickle's mosaics used for screenshot censors.
Please credit for all usage. Do not distribute. This is my first .var, so please let me know if anything isn't right or if there is any credit you think I missed. Please tag me in any scenes and show me any trouble Molly gets into
Roac's Cailin hair
scamp's PyssyHairParadise
Dragontales Universal Gloss
Riddler's Full Body Freckles
VamX 1.5
MacGruber's Life 12
kementate's Female Body Hair Pack (Janie Eyebrows)