Plugin to automate creation of Appearance, Skin, Hair, and Clothing presets from all Scenes in VAR files on a users system.

Plugin will attempt to prevent duplicate presets and can be stopped (SPACE Button). On future scans it should skip over any fully processed files.
  1. Load a scene and set up lighting, pose and scene to what you want for your preset screenshots.
  2. Load plugin on person.
  3. Open the plugin UI.
  4. On Left Side select which presets you want to save. It does not take longer to do one preset or 4 presets.
  5. On Right select "All" or select a specific Author to process.
  6. Click process.
  7. Position Each Camera as prompted by the system. Each Camera will state which preset it is for.
  8. Wait. Loading figures and clothing is the slowest part. Once everything is ready it will create the presets and load the next figure.
  9. You can Click SPACE to stop processing presets to continue at a later date.

Scans through all Var in AddonPackages , process all Scenes, and create a Appearance, Skin, Hair, and Clothing Preset from each Person it finds.
Presets are currently saved in a PresetMaker Sub Folder inside the relevant Preset Type and then sorted by Var author.
Ex. Custom\Atom\Person\Skin\PresetMaker\MeshedVR

Plugin will attempt to name the preset from the name of the character in the source scene. If that names is person it will use the Var name + sex
Ex. Preset_Girl-Female or Preset_Taylor_210416-Female or Preset_3PointLightSetup-Female

A Cache file that is used to store what files the plugin has seen and scanned before is located at.
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