(Unisex)Straw hat inspired by an anime about pirates and Nakamas
Follow this guide to adjust the hair
Models in the screenshoots
Follow this guide to adjust the hair
Hair editing for hats - Guides -
Hello everyone. This is simple but usefull guide. I will show how to make any hair fit to hats cuz nobody loves when hair go through the hat right? For this you need a basic knowledge of how to make hair in Vam, or you can just do as me in video...
Models in the screenshoots
Gomu gomu Pirate - Looks -
A certain gomu gomu pirate ☠. Includes Gear secondo look For the deformation of the limbs, use the negative amputation sliders, Don't forget to select use female morphs on male. Credits and thanks to: Damarmau.Muscle_normals.latest...
Looks - BPRTS Mani (Remaster)
Remaster of my first look uploaded to the Hub Why the remaster? -Fixed a lot of problems with broken dependencies -PC dependencies removed -Corrected hair to make it more realistic -Fixed texture path and added new one (pink nipple) -Body changed...