4 Main Folders: Duo Either Male Female
Poses compatible with my Everyday Pose Presets to Sex Pose Presets
Various Subfolders
Subfolders will branch 1 or more times before arriving at any Poses.
4 Main Folders: Duo Either Male Female
Poses compatible with my Everyday Pose Presets to Sex Pose Presets
Various Subfolders
Subfolders will branch 1 or more times before arriving at any Poses.
Note: Session Folders for the most part mean that those Pose Presets were designed to work cohesively once you have X-Y-Z co-ordinates set and shouldn't require animating the Control of character(s).
Not a 'one size fits all' set of poses
You may need to make adjustments based on the height and shape of your characters and/or props.
Best to turn off Collisions for one of the two atoms, move to exact same location and load related Pose Preset then turn Collisions back on.
If you're new or unfamiliar with how to move two atoms around at same time from there:
1) Set one of the two characters to Parent to the other.
2) Turn off Physics then Collisions for both.
3) Select the parent character and move both to new coordinates.
4) Activate your Pose Presets for Male & Female.
5) Re-enable Collisions then Physics for both characters,
6) May have to reload Pose Presets or make minor adjustments based on character heights and/or props.
Reference for TIMELINE users:
Always Present
Frequently Present
>Arms (rotation)
Infrequently Present
>Elbows (position)
>Thighs (rotation)
>Knees (position)
>Toes (rotation)
Like my "Everyday Pose Presets", this will hopefully get updated from time to time with these "foreplay", "teasing", "kissing" and "undressing" related poses.