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Community Lighting Rigs

Lighting + HDRI Community Lighting Rigs

Did you ever downloaded a look because it was looking 'nice' on promo ss?
And when you used it in different scene it was ... uhm... something else?

Over a years it happened for me many times. So i started saving up lightning rigs from the looks, scenes i liked. Many times lighting made me to download them in the first place...
So i present today ... 300 Lighting rigs i personally use.

They're saved with VR in mind, and less for screenshots. Tho many of them are useful only for SS.

Changes i made:
First of all, they're saved at 0.0.0 position [new subscene], prepared to be linked to yours atom person in zero pose.
I editted all of the lights to be forced Pixel Lights. With one exception for the one rig.
Also i reduced theirs quality a bit. All the 'Very High' lights got reduced to 'High', because i didn't see much - to - any difference in visuals after that and every single fps counts in VR i guess.
All lights are also set to 'hidden', so end user won't click\move them accidently during a VR session.

I made an copy and modified a few rigs, reducing theirs range\intensity to be used to light up additional atom persons.

Many of the rigs looks best with some post processing, luts or tonemapping. I highly reccomend giving a try i this one by vs1:

All rigs preview in the spoiler.


Important: I take no credits to this. All [most...] of the rigs does have original creators names on them. All credits to them. The list of the creators i used is below.
I would greatly appreciate if these rigs would be used in personal VR or Photo seesions, not in shared scenes \ models. This collection was possible only because all of these awesome creators so please respect theirs work. I just gathered and normalized theirs rigs.

1. Firstly, add new subscene [add atom->misc->subscene]. 'Children' all the scene lights to it.
2. Go to control node of yours main person atom in the scene you want to attach new rig. Save it's pose, including 'Root Node'.
2b. Save Appearence preset too.
3. Add new atoms: new subscene and Person. Link new subscene to new person.
4. Don't forget to disable all the collisions on new atom-person.
5. Load an appearance preset on new person, that you saved before.
6. And it's pose.
7. You can disable now old original lights setup, you parented to first subscene before.
8. New Lighting subscene is now in correct position, so you can unlink it from the copy of person we were using. You can link it to original person from the scene.
9. You can now remove, or disable an copy of person we used, and load any rig from the var in correct position.

A1X, Adade, Alter3go, Androinz, Ark1F1, Barcoder, BooGoo, BooMoon, BoyaVam, Calimohu, CheekiBreeki, czgtLDD, Damarmau, Dnaddr, Epi, Eros, Geroxslayer, iLoveDolls, Jackaroo, JohnSaken, Juno, jyy, KeiAono, Kuro_Hanpen, Ky69, Luminestrial, MCP, MasterO, MattiaHeron, Miki, MonsterShinkai, MRdong, Night_Queen, Noc_This, Niko, Oeshi, OniEkohvivus, Oronan, Over3D, Pikavam113, pogdaddy, POGVR, ptrxxx, Reign, RenVR, Re-visions_VAM, Riccio, Ricola, Riddler, Riggins, RizkyBizz, Scamp, Sharko, sortof, Stenzelo, Shioro, sil80, Theagle, Tiseb, TomboyToy, Vambo, VAM-YJ, VAMDoll, VAMFantasy, VAMGS, VamProduce69, VariousScientists, Wunderwise, Xacreux, xnpvv, xspada, Zeyis
Total Size
29.54 MB
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5.00 star(s) 8 ratings

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Latest updates

  1. Added some "new" rigs.

    Added a few [about 150] rigs i saved since the last update. I included MonsterShinkai, ptrxxx...
  2. License change

    Just a quick license change [from CC BY-NC-ND to CC BY-NC] since i wasn't really understanding...
  3. Added ~ 50 new rigs

    I didn't think this will become that popular, ty all the people! Since i released these...

Latest reviews

Such light, many presets, very cool :)
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The main go to lighting collection.
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These don't include a person right?
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Crucial for all my looks/scenes, as I'm really bad at messing around with the lighting.

Thanks for putting this together!
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Tons of great lighting rigs, another must have.
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Mindblowing work. Thank you!
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Thank you!
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Incredibly helpful because I'm sick of playing with all these light tweaks! Thanks for putting this together.
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