
This plugin plays scene audio files, but also makes managing them easier and more flexible.
Organize your sound effects, vocal sounds or music in AudioMate Collections. These Collections can then be triggered, f.e. by a collision trigger, to play an audio clip from the selection of assigned clips. Either a random one or one clip after another.

Save the audio setup you created with AudioMate, including audio files, audio sources and trigger actions, to files.
Load these files into other scenes to speed up the setup process and instantly have your favorite audio setup available.

  • Unlimited audio file collections to organize audio clips
  • Each clip collection is separately triggerable through actions (play random clip, play next clip or use settings)
  • Each clip collection has a freely choosable audio output which can be any Atom/Node in your scene capable of playing audio
  • Various playback options for each collection: random play chance, play only if audio source is clear, play only if collection is not playing, shuffle (random) or clip after clip mode, auto play on scene start, continuous play, ...
  • Preview buttons for every clip make sound selection a quick and easy task without having to switch between the scene audio clips and a plugin all the time
  • Bulk import let's you add folders containing audio files to the clip library
  • Trigger system with collision and morph triggers
  • Save and load collection setup packs including audo files, collections and trigger actions

  • If you want to share an .amc file you also need to share the .amc.clips directory which is located in the same folder as the .amc file. Default save folder is /Saves/AudioMate/Collections/. I'll look into options to package all this stuff into one file in a future version of AudioMate.
  • There is a free demo scene on the hub. It also includes a look and a SFX setup. Check it out here.
  • If you enjoy using AudioMatet, please consider supporting me on Patreon.


Video Tutorial:

The easiest way to learn how to use AudioMate is by watching this tutorial:

If you need further help you can activate the plugin hints by enabling Display Hints in the Global tab.
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