***Please make sure you download this additional dependency as it was not linked in the hub for some reason***

Genital Veins - Textures -
Var format of my old free genital maps. This should help creators who often use this be able to directly link to the var for easier packaging. visit my patreon for more free and paid quality male, female, and futa models!

NON-HUB Resources:

LoaferA10 | YameteOuji Store
>> Free Download Link << A basic pair of Loafers. Three colors to choose from (in presets), Brown, Dark Brown, Black. Enjoy!

Shin High Socks | YameteOuji Store
>> Free Download Link << Shin high socks with color presets. Enjoy!
FYI. This scene is a little over 15 minutes long.
Ideally this is a first-person VR experience so I suggest resetting your view prior to loading the scene to start at the correct position, also toggling VR hands off. If you'd like to go 3rd person, I have added a button above the door to switch from 1st to 3rd easily.
Unfortunately, as my other two scenes, VR hands must be off as it might break the animations which are a bit complex. For this same animation complexity, I also suggest not changing looks to another, as the differences in body size, shape, etc. could break the animations. If you do decide to however, I have placed a "play/pause" button on top of the door so you can pause, adjust if needed, and play.
BTW there are five different "endings" so make sure you check them all out!
I hope all the animations work out well for everyone. Please let me know if you have issues so I can take a look at them! Thanks!
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