A set of morphs to bend fingers. This morph set prevents the skin inside the fingers from slimming down unnaturally.
These morphs are in the following categories
Smooth Passes must have a value of 3 or 4.
The morphs [OrGm_FingerThicker] and [OrGm_FingerTipSharpen] will fix fingers that have become thin due to Smooth Passes.
This morph may require changing the collision shape using the ColliderEditor.
These morphs are in the following categories
Smooth Passes must have a value of 3 or 4.
The morphs [OrGm_FingerThicker] and [OrGm_FingerTipSharpen] will fix fingers that have become thin due to Smooth Passes.
This morph may require changing the collision shape using the ColliderEditor.