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Bath with MILF

Paid Scenes Bath with MILF

Nice foreplay scene. Hope you will create complete series on bathtub, @KittyMocap started nice bathtub scenes but she has not finished the series yet. This is iconic vintage scene of Pat Manning from Movie- "Let's talk sex" , if you get a chance ,watch this movie or this scene, you will get more innovative ideas for your bathtub series.
Nice foreplay scene. Hope you will create complete series on bathtub, @KittyMocap started nice bathtub scenes but she has not finished the series yet. This is iconic vintage scene of Pat Manning from Movie- "Let's talk sex" , if you get a chance ,watch this movie or this scene, you will get more innovative ideas for your bathtub series.
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Tell me, what bathtub scenes do you want to see? The scene in the movie sure gives some ideas, but none of them would look good without working foam. I haven't come up with a way to do it yet with stuff we currently have.
Bear in mind though, I don't have trackers to do full body mocap, I can only mocap in parts so to say. But with bathtub one can always find a way.
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Unity do have soap bubbles asset, not sure if it can be imported into VAM
@Jackaroo has water asset and may be @hazmhox have something for soap bubbles in bath tub.
Have you played SIMS 4 with wicked whims? it has tons of bath tub animations, every possible position you could think of. just google and you will get tons of new ideas.
VAMFantasy updated Bath with MILF with a new update entry:

Bath with MILF vol.3

Added 2 new animations: footjob and handjob

Other changes:

- added Cliff the rubber bath swan, animated
- the curtain is more visible now
- the lightning from thunder is back
- more options for hand possession, the scene will automatically disable different hands where needed to prevent malfunction
- mild changes to the male body

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VAMFantasy updated Bath with MILF with a new update entry:

New animation, fixes and QoL overhaul

- added alternate foot animation to Smoke segment. She will now rub you in different ways.
- updated Timeline versions. The save file size is lower now.
- fixed Timeline errors when playing an animation segment.
- fixed emotion morphs missing from animation.
- fixed male fingers animation during Foreplay segment.
- QoL overhaul: added fade-out and fade-in during animation changes and Embody POV will be re-applied after selecting different animation if it's currently active. Disabling Embody...

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VAMFantasy updated Bath with MILF with a new update entry:

New animation, new features

- fixed water splashes not starting on scene load
- fixed female segments not swtitching during some Foreplay segment animations
- fixed Timeline not loading some morphs
- added shower idle motion capture by ReignMocap
- updated Liz for her new morphs (including new foot morphs)
- added AutoLabia plugin
- added toggleable headscarf
View attachment 329104
- Embody toggle will now hide Male's hair for better POV
- added transparent...

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VAMFantasy updated Bath with MILF with a new update entry:

New animation and update

- added "Worship" segment:
- replaced ambient blue pixel light with ambient blue vertex light. It does just as good of a job at the bathroom ambience, but costs less performance. For those of you that would still want the old pixel moonlight - it is still in the scene, you can just enable it.
- fixed hand morphs. Last update I did using a broken version of performance patch, so morphs were incorrect. This is fixed now.
- dependencies are also...

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VAMFantasy updated Bath with MILF with a new update entry:

Released a safeguard mechanism that prevents permament fade-out

For those of you guys that are having issues when switching poses and getting permament black screen. I have tried to troubleshoot this, I can't reproduce it on a clean VAM, everything works, no permament fadeout. My guess is the problem is on your side, probably bloated poorly performing vam that hiccups and skips the un-fade trigger. Because there is nothing else there, really. You push the button, it triggers fade animation (fade out trigger at the start, fade in at the end), and also...

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VAMFantasy updated Bath with MILF with a new update entry:

3 new animations, finger sucking mechanic

Major update to the scene: 3 new animations featuring finger tracking, new mechanic, all following along the theme of eroticism.

- reworked hand possession for the scene. Now there is only 1 button for hands, and the scene will automatically select which hand gets possessed depending on the animation segment. At the same time all animation layers that involve finger tracking will have their weight reduced to allow Player use controller trigger to grab with possessed hand.
- added missing...

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