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Recent content by igotyouvamfam

  1. Tara's Chair

    Scenes Tara's Chair 1.0

    Tara's chair is a special one, use the controls on the left to find out why. Special thanks to all the great plugin, model, and environment creators out there. Without your work, I would not be able to focus on animations and be happy with the results!
  2. Mini Scene - Erica wakes up

    Scenes Mini Scene - Erica wakes up 2021-05-14

    A simple scene where you wake Erica up and use simple controls to help her finish.
  3. Mini Scene - Pam's ready

    Scenes Mini Scene - Pam's ready 2021-05-12

    A simple scene where you use controls to allow Pam to take matters into her own hands.
  4. Mini Scene - Penny legs up

    Scenes Mini Scene - Penny legs up 2021-05-12

    Simple mini scene with Penny legs up on a table. Just use the controls provided and enjoy.
  5. Mini Scene - Penny sitting on a table

    Scenes Mini Scene - Penny sitting on a table 1.0

    Simple mini scene with Penny sitting on a table. Just use the controls provided and enjoy.
  6. Mini Scene - Penny over a table

    Scenes Mini Scene - Penny over a table 1.0

    Simple mini scene with Penny bent over a table. Just use the controls provided and enjoy.
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