Recent content by DarkChris

  1. MMD Test Gentleman

    Scenes MMD Test Gentleman 2020-11-23
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    This was a request by the member CuteSvetlana; an MMD conversion of the animation for Gentleman. This particular animation is difficult since the dance is mostly built via IK (Inverse Kinematics) and that's hard to translate over to a realistic human skeleton. So there will be some...
  2. MMD Facial Expression Test

    Scenes MMD Facial Expression Test 2020-11-22
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    This is a simple dance scene using default resources to test a new form of MMD conversion with facial animation. To track how the development is going, feel free to follow the forum thread: EDIT: After going over my work, I...
  3. Gokuraku Jodo MMD Test

    Scenes Gokuraku Jodo MMD Test 2020-11-16
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    This is a test conversion of one of my favorite MMD's for alignment testing: Gokuraku Jodo. It has very precise arm and feet movement, so it can be useful in visual identification of how well an MMD conversion process is going. It's also an elegant and sensual dance when done right. You should...
  4. MMD Test: Lewd Movements

    Scenes MMD Test: Lewd Movements 2020-11-16
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    This is a collection of lewd animations from an MMD conversion. There are several sections that can be used for projects. You should be able to use whatever look you want, but be careful of using collision or changing the joint physics. MMD models are basically anime cartoon characters compared...
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