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    Please be aware that we have released another critical security patch for VaM. We strongly recommend updating to version using the VaM_Updater found in your installation folder.

    Details about the security patch can be found here.

Recent content by Blazedust

  1. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts CUAManager

    This plugin tries to restore colored parameters after the assets and plugins are loaded. Never got it working 100% reliable to color parameter support might vary depending on what plugin it is and how it implements the property. Generally color parameters in plugins work.
  2. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts CUAManager

    I don't know how the original scene colored the CustomUnityAsset atom (the hair). CUAManager requires any plugin that modifies colors to be stored on the CustomUnityAsset atom itself. If that is the case then my guess would be that the plugin on the CustomUnityAsset atom (the hair) doesn't work...
  3. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch

    A lot has changed in my life situation the past 6 months and I have no longer time for VAM and even less so for plugin development for VAM. I simply don't have the time to do the RnD for a plugin to keyframe toy movement or any other plugin. Hopefully someone else can bring funscript or some...
  4. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch

    Blazedust updated ToySerialController+VAMLaunch with a new update entry: ToySerialController+VAMLaunch (update) v.12 Read the rest of this update entry...
  5. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch - ToySerialController+VAMLaunch (update) v.12

    * The Female+Male mode is now compatible with the Alternative Futa plugin. Females with the AltFuta plugin is now considered males. Removing the plugin makes them considered females again. * The 'Refresh' feature is now run automatically as you change menus to simplify detection of female/male...
  6. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch

    :) Nice. Just don't wait around for this, I might not have anything until March or April.
  7. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch

    That is what I need timeline to emulate. Position data at certain timestamps. To avoid the toy lagging behind, the timeline must feed this data ahead of time with a well-known time offset. Like 1 second or something. If I spend the time experimenting with support for this sort of feature, would...
  8. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch

    I only have VamLaunch device to experiment with. It has limitations in various steps of the chain. In order to have it synced with an animation going up or down, the toy must have the destination/position known and the speed known when sending the command to move the toy up or down in order for...
  9. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch

    I know, that's just how it is. I didn't write majority of the code base so not sure what's causing it. You can compensate by adjusting the sample rate. Seem to work better with a lower sampler rate for some reason (20-40). Others have reported to got this to work with Kiiroo Keon - I have not...
  10. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch

    For linear toy devices (which this plugin is made for) it tries to predict, based on 1 value (current axis input), the distance, speed and where to stop (min/max) based on earlier strokes. This works decent enough in most scenes. The override value just overrides the current axis input which...
  11. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch

    Blazedust updated ToySerialController+VAMLaunch with a new update entry: ToySerialController+VAMLaunch (update) v.11 Read the rest of this update entry...
  12. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch - ToySerialController+VAMLaunch (update) v.11

    Added edits suggested by ajtrader23 https://hub.virtamate.com/threads/toyserialcontroller-vamlaunch.14653/post-142113 , exposing a lot of settings for other plugins. Also added actions for other plugins to start/stop the device and to be able to save/load configs. (I have not tested this but...
  13. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts ToySerialController+VAMLaunch

    That is a clever edit, I might just do that at a later time.
  14. Blazedust

    Sorry, I do not know the format for the data for that specific toy. The...

    Sorry, I do not know the format for the data for that specific toy. The VAMLaunch+ToySerialController plugin merged two plugins and changed a lot of its internal workings and is targeted for Launch devices. Anything else that happens to work is a bonus. You should try the original...
  15. Blazedust

    Plugins + Scripts CUAManager

    It could be that AlterantiveFuta plugin just isn't supported with CUAManager plugin triggers. All I can see from the stack trace is an exception thrown by the AlternativeFuta plugin. Sadly I don't have the time to further dive into this for some time to come, if at all. Consider it an...
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