Rules & Policies Guide

A guide to understanding our site Rules and Policies
Overview of Site Terms-of-Use By using VaMHub you agree to the Terms-of-Use which is a legal document which you can review here. This guide does not serve as a replacement for our official Terms-of-Use, but is instead meant to helpfully break down some of the key points. 1. Responsibility We are not responsible for anything that you post or say while you are on the Hub. You bear that responsibility. If lawyers get involved, ultimately we are not in the firing line. Please take care what you post and bear this in mind. 2. Adult-Oriented Content This is a site about a sex game. There is sexually explicit material here not suitable for minors. If you're not 18, or it's not legal for you to be accessing these materials, you must...
Rules for Member Accounts & New Users Usernames When creating a new account, you will be asked to select a username. The following policies apply to usernames: - Usernames cannot contain special characters beyond `.` `-` or `_` - Usernames cannot contain the phrase "virtamate" or any phrase which suggests a staff role such as "moderator", "admin", "developer" etc - Usernames cannot contain offensive or libelous words or phrases, or any username that is designed to provoke other users - Some usernames may be rejected if they could cause issues for the moderation team, such as long or nonsensical strings (i.e. "000000123456" or "asdfghqwerty" etc) Age Restriction All visitors to our website must be at least 18 years old and have...
Rules for our Media Section Content Policies All media posted on the Hub must comply with the content policies outlined in our Terms. In addition to these standard policies, we have the following additional rules for the media section: - The media section is intended to be a showcase of in-game screenshots from VaM. If your image was not created using VaM, then it does not belong in the media section. This means no photos, drawings, or advertisements. Screenshots from your works-in-progress in 3D modeling programs or Unity are OK. - No AI-generated images, or AI-doctored screenshots - No advertising. The media section is not intended as a way for you to advertise your paid content. Spamming the media section with screenshots...
Forum Rules and Guidelines Content Policies Content posted in our forums must abide by the content policies outlined in our Terms. In addition, we have the following content rules for our Forums: - No Advertisements. Paid resource links are automatically posted in the Resource Discussion Boards. Outside of that, we do not allow paid links or advertising elsewhere in our Forums. - No real names. No requests for lookalikes of real persons. As a note: This is a site-wide rule. You may not post real names or request lookalikes of real persons anywhere on our site, including on someone's profile page. - Rules specific to individual forums will be pinned to the top of that forum. For example, see Rules for the Q&A forum. -...
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