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Question Emissive shader on basic shape atoms


Well-known member
Is it possible to have an emissive shader on the basic shape atoms (Cube, IsCube, Sphere, IsSphere, etc...)?

It could be great if the shader can be applied to specific materials and allows the use of the alpha map but, just having an emissive shader of any sort will be nice.
People just tend to use word "emissive" wrong, so I have to ask, "emissive" or "unlit"?
While an "emissive" material does light nearby objects an "unlit" material means:
  • always at 100% brightness
  • unaffected by light calculation and no shadows
  • does not really emit light to nearby objects
  • potentially uses some 'fake glow' post processing effect to create the illusion that it emits light
The standard material in Unity is always "lit". Therefore it's affected by light & shadows.

It is possible to grab the material from these shapes with a Plugin script and apply an "unlit" Shader to them.
If by "emissive" you mean "actually emitting light", as far as I know, no such thing is possible in VAM 1.X.

(I'd HOPE somebody could prove me wrong here so we could have real emissive materials! Yes please!)
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People just tend to use word "emissive" wrong, so I have to ask, "emissive" or "unlit"?
While an "emissive" material does light nearby objects an "unlit" material means:
  • always at 100% brightness
  • unaffected by light calculation and no shadows
  • does not really emit light to nearby objects
  • potentially uses some 'fake glow' post processing effect to create the illusion that it emits light
The standard material in Unity is always "lit". Therefore it's affected by light & shadows.

It is possible to grab the material from these shapes with a Plugin script and apply an "unlit" Shader to them.
If by "emissive" you mean "actually emitting light", as far as I know, no such thing is possible in VAM 1.X.

(I'd HOPE somebody could prove me wrong here so we could have real emissive materials! Yes please!)

Well... a REAL emissive will be AWESOME but... a "Fake Emissive" (Unlit) shader will also be GREAT. Indeed, when i wrote the post i was thinking about an "Unlit" shader (maybe because in some way a was aware that a real "Emissive" shader is not possible atm).

It whould be perfect if such Fake Emissive Shader could have this features:

- Could be applied only to the Diffuse channel of a selected material.
- Allow to change the color.
- Allow the use of the alpha map (to set transparent parts).

That said... if it works on the basic shapes atoms, ANY type of emissive\fake emissive shader whould be great.
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I agree with @Voithe

It's always fun playing around with Emissive (or fake/unlit...whatever the right terminology is) panels, no need for extra light sources.

Having an option to apply same "effect" onto basic shapes? Well... that would be a game changer IMO. ;)
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Just to resurrect the topic - is there any way to have a TV screen have emissive light? Like, lighting that changes based on the scene on the tv.
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Just to resurrect the topic - is there any way to have a TV screen have emissive light? Like, lighting that changes based on the scene on the tv.
There is this from script from 2020, but it only works on web panels and it looks like Doofenschmalphys hasn't been active in years.

I thought this was a good idea, so I did some testing. It does work to light up the scene from what webpage/image you are looking at, but the web panel is outdated, and useless for video to me.

I took a quick look, but I don't really get what I'm doing with scripts, so if anyone knows how you change the reference to update this script and make it work with emmisive image panels, I'd be interested.

The original is CC-BY so here is the script.


using System.Xml.Schema;
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Linq;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using SimpleJSON;
using UnityEngine.Events;

namespace Doofenschmalphys{
public class WebPanelLight : MVRScript

List<Atom> lights = new List<Atom>();
Vector3 screenpos = new Vector3();
Quaternion screenrot = new Quaternion();
int x1,y1,x2,y2 = 0;

JSONStorableFloat Extent;

bool _loaded = false;

public override JSONClass GetJSON(bool includePhysical = true, bool includeAppearance = true, bool forceStore = false) {

var json = base.GetJSON(includePhysical, includeAppearance, forceStore);

try {

json["lightref"] = new JSONClass{

{"name", lights[0].name}


needsStore = true;

} catch (Exception exc) {

SuperController.LogError($"{nameof(WebPanelLight)}.{nameof(GetJSON)}: {exc}");


return json;


string fetchname = "null";
public override void RestoreFromJSON(JSONClass jc, bool restorePhysical = true, bool restoreAppearance = true, JSONArray presetAtoms = null, bool setMissingToDefault = true) {

base.RestoreFromJSON(jc, restorePhysical, restoreAppearance, presetAtoms, setMissingToDefault);

try {

var handsJSON = jc["lightref"];

if (handsJSON != null) {

// SuperController.LogMessage(handsJSON.ToString());

fetchname = handsJSON["name"];


_loaded = true;

} catch (Exception exc) {

SuperController.LogError($"{nameof(WebPanelLight)}.{nameof(RestoreFromJSON)}: {exc}");



private IEnumerator DeferredInit() {

yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

try {

if (!_loaded) containingAtom.RestoreFromLast(this);


} catch (Exception exc) {

SuperController.LogError($"{nameof(WebPanelLight)}.{nameof(DeferredInit)}: {exc}");



public override void Init()

var f = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("Canvas");
var f2 = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("scale");
//var f3 = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("lightref");
var d = f.GetComponentsInChildren<Graphic>();
var img = d[0] as UnityEngine.UI.RawImage;
var tex = img.texture as Texture2D;


Vector3[] v = new Vector3[4];
Vector3 center = new Vector3(v.Average(x=>x.x),v.Average(y=>y.y),v.Average(z=>z.z));

screenpos = center;
screenrot = f.transform.rotation;

Extent = new JSONStorableFloat("Percentage Sampled", 0.4f, (float extent) =>


}, 0f, 0.5f, false);


StartCoroutine(GenerateLight(atom =>{




catch (Exception e)
SuperController.LogError($"{nameof(WebPanelLight)}.{nameof(Init)}: {e}");

bool MovedLights = false;
bool MakeNew=true;
public void Update(){

if(_loaded ){

var z = SuperController.singleton.GetAtomByUid(fetchname);




StartCoroutine(GenerateLight(atom =>{



var p = BSAMPLE();



public void OnEnable()
// SuperController.LogMessage($"{nameof(MyPlugin)} enabled");
catch (Exception e)
// SuperController.LogError($"{nameof(MyPlugin)}.{nameof(OnEnable)}: {e}");

public void OnDisable()
//SuperController.LogMessage($"{nameof(MyPlugin)} disabled");
catch (Exception e)
//SuperController.LogError($"{nameof(MyPlugin)}.{nameof(OnDisable)}: {e}");

public void OnDestroy()
// SuperController.LogMessage($"{nameof(MyPlugin)} destroyed");
catch (Exception e)
// SuperController.LogError($"{nameof(MyPlugin)}.{nameof(OnDestroy)}: {e}");

void CalcRectangle(float inx){
var tex = BSCREEN();
x1 = (int)(inx * tex.width);
y1 = (int)(inx * tex.height);
x2 = (int)((1-inx) * tex.width);
y2 = (int)((1-inx) * tex.height);

Color BSAMPLE(){
var tex = BSCREEN();
var colors = tex.GetPixels(x1,y1,x2,y2);
return MEGAVG(colors);

Texture2D BSCREEN(){
var f = containingAtom.GetStorableByID("Canvas");
var d = f.GetComponentsInChildren<Graphic>();
var img = d[0] as UnityEngine.UI.RawImage;
return img.texture as Texture2D;

Color MEGAVG(Color[] a){
Color b = new Color(0f,0f,0f,0f);
foreach(Color c in a){
return b;

void SetupLights(){
foreach(var light in lights){
light.transform.position = screenpos;
light.transform.rotation = screenrot;
light.transform.forward = -light.transform.forward;
light.GetStorableByID("Light").SetFloatParamValue("intensity", 2f);


void UpdateLights(Color a){
foreach(Atom light in lights){
var lightStore = light.GetStorableByID("Light");
//lightStore.SetFloatParamValue("intensity", (a.r+a.g+a.b)/3f);
float h, s, v = 0;
Color.RGBToHSV(a, out h, out s, out v);
lightStore.SetColorParamValue("color", new HSVColor { H = h, S = s, V = v });


void CullLights(){
foreach(Atom light in lights){

IEnumerator GenerateLight(UnityAction<Atom> callback)
string id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

StartCoroutine(SuperController.singleton.AddAtomByType("InvisibleLight", id));
while(SuperController.singleton.GetAtomByUid(id) == null)
yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();

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